Jerusalem institute slammed for backing BDS
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A British-funded institute in Jerusalem has come under fire for hosting an event supporting the boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign against Israel (BDS), along with a UN staff member who circulated its details in an official email to co-workers. In March, the Kenyon Institute, also known as the British School of Archaeology, hosted an event titled “The emergence of the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement” – a campaign led by radical anti-Israel activists also known as BDS – at its East Jerusalem headquarters. The institute is funded by the British Academy which in turn is funded by the British Government and questions have been raised as to why taxpayers have ultimately funded the controversial event.
Prof. Gerald Steinberg, from the Jerusalem-based NGO Monitor, said, “As part of the BDS campaign, he repeats the exploitation of the term ‘apartheid’ to refer to the Arab- Israeli conflict, insulting those who suffered under the real apartheid regime in South Africa. His heroes include ISM ‘activists’ who fuel the conflict under the facade of ‘nonviolent resistance,’ and others who have destroyed the moral principles of human rights to promote the political war against Israel.”
Steinberg told the Post the circulation of the email “is a violation of the UN’s mandate.” “Yet again, the promotion of this lecture by a UN employee is an example of the UN improperly using taxpayer funding to promote the activities of a politicized private organization and anti-Israel demonization,” he added.