Italian politician: Vittorio Arrigoni was enemy of Jews
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"Prof. Gerald Steinberg, head of NGO Monitor, a human rights watchdog organization, told The Jerusalem Post on Thursday that “the ISM openly and directly supports ‘the Palestinian resistance,’ – meaning terrorism and war crimes against Israelis. To refer to its members, including Vittorio Arrigoni – who are allied with Hamas – as ‘peace activists’ is a marketing triumph, and moral travesty. “The record speaks for itself: In 2002, ISM members attempted to help terrorists hiding in the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, and in 2003 the murderers of Israelis at Mike’s Place bar in Tel Aviv, forged links with ISM activists. In 2010, the ISM played a major role in the deadly Gaza flotilla confrontation. Whatever Arrigoni’s motivations might have been, he was clearly not promoting peace.”"