Have the Durban conferences been discredited?
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“The Jerusalem-based group NGO Monitor argues, “More important than Durban III is the Durban Strategy, which political advocacy NGOs continue to lead. The strategy is defined by tactics of demonization and delegitimization that in no way promote coexistence and a two-state solution. Instead, the Durban Strategy results in boycott, divestment, and sanctions campaigns [BDS], the Flotilla incident, ‘apartheid’ rhetoric, and the like. All of this is in keeping with the general Durban message: Instead of creating something positive for the Palestinian people, the aim is wholly negative about punishing Israel.” It added: “While Durban III has come and gone, ‘mini Durban’ conferences continue, along with the continued isolation of Israel in international arenas, such as the UN Human Rights Council and the International Criminal Court.” Durban, following NGO Monitor’s line of reasoning, spawned anti-Israel activities across other forums, and in a post- Durban I, II and III conference world, the fight to combat hatred of Israel will revolve around blunting boycott, sanctions and divestment tactics against the Jewish state.”