Fog of war obscures white phosphorous use in Gaza
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"Dan Kosky, the communications director for Jerusalem-based NGO Monitor, responded to HRW’s accusations by noting that the organisation appeared to be relying on unverified researchers and photographs. ‘Even by the admission of the ICRC, which cannot be accused of a pro-Israel bias, white phosphorous is not outlawed and is a conventional weapon,’ Kosky told the News. ‘HRW’s claims that Israel was using white phosphorous in an illegal or immoral way are based on innuendo and hearsay. Their evidence so far consists of unverified researchers and unidentifiable photographs.’ Kosky added that HRW had leveled ‘false’ charges against Israel during previous conflicts, including the Second Lebanon War. ‘They (HRW) claimed almost double the number of actual fatalities at Qana, only to later acknowledge the real figure. HRW’s claims must be treated with great skepticism,’ said Kosky."