Amnesty repeats war crimes claims
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"Jerusalem-based research organization NGO Monitor said that Amnesty International’s accusations are made with no credible evidence and are based on an “ideological bias” inherent in Amnesty’s work on Israel. “Amnesty’s annual report repeats the discredited allegations and distorted human rights rhetoric used to target Israel,” said Prof. Gerald Steinberg, president of NGO Monitor. “Accusations of ‘war crimes,’ ’indiscriminate and disproportionate attacks against civilians’ and ‘target[ing] and kill[ing] medical staff’ are made without any credible evidence and reflect the ideological bias that determines the content of Amnesty publications on Israel.” Steinberg said Amnesty exploits human rights principles to demonize Israel. “During the Gaza war, the entire population of Gaza was used by Hamas as a massive human shield, but since Amnesty ‘researchers’ did not hear this from frightened Palestinians, Hamas has been absolved. Similarly, Amnesty has erased all evidence that Gaza hospitals became shelters for Hamas leaders, that mosques were used for storing missiles and that tunnels are used to smuggle weapons. This systematic bias and lack of credibility forms the basis for the Goldstone report, and highlights Amnesty’s immoral exploitation of human rights principles in order to demonize Israel.”"