"When human rights groups look the other way"
‘It is sad that Gilad, Udi and Eldad were missing from the ….family Seders . ….. The abduction of the soldiers, …… is one of the most serious crimes being perpetrated by the Palestinian terrorist organizations…….. What could be more natural…. than for the …. international human-rights organizations, who rush to condemn Israel for crimes real and imagined, to ….. protest against this …..cruelty to the…… families?…… however,….only a feeble murmur of mild protest has been heard. Human Rights Watch issued a statement ….. the abduction of ….. Schalit as a war crime. The main thrust of the statement…. was a condemnation of the Israeli attack on the Gaza power station ….. Amnesty …… called for the release of Shalit, but ….added a knee-jerk condemnation of Israel….. the Israeli human rights organizations issued a….statement on the same day in which they neither condemned the abduction as a war crime nor demanded Schalit´s release…… they demanded that ….Schalit be given medical care. ..One …… gets the feeling that human rights……. is no more than a pretext for a very particular world view.’
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See: "Captives without Human Rights" (Summary of Ammon Rubinstein’s Hebrew article in Ma’ariv and the original article in Hebrew), Amnon Rubinstein, April 06, 2007, Ma’ariv
‘Physicians for Human Rights – Israel asks Lebanese counterparts to work for the release of the kidnapped Israeli soldiers’-NGO Monitor Digest (Vol. 5 No. 7) , March 20, 2007
‘NGOs in the Lebanon War- Update: Covering July 12 through September 10’ – NGO Monitor, September 10, 2006