"We Dont Pick on Israel"
In response to Jackson Diehl, "A Shadow on the Human Rights Movement", The Washington Post, June 25, 2007
In his June 25 op-ed, "A Shadow on the Human Rights Movement," Jackson Diehl mischaracterized Human Rights Watch‘s position regarding the U.N. Human Rights Council. We have repeatedly criticized the council’s selective treatment of Israel, including in a statement last week. While we stand by that criticism, we also believe that more can be done for human rights by working to improve the council than by writing it off. The council created an experts group that developed a road map that can be used to hold Sudan accountable for ongoing violations. It will also scrutinize the records of all U.N. members, not just Israel‘s, in a country-by-country review just established. The council’s independent experts are already investigating abuses not only by Sudan but also by North Korea and Burma.