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"NGO Monitor, which on Tuesday issued a report on what it says were HRW’s consistently faulty methodology and anti-Israel bias, issued a statement saying that Garlasco’s background, "when combined with his central role in the condemnations of Israel under false banners of ‘human rights’ violations and ‘war crimes,’ show that he is entirely inappropriate as a human rights reporter." According to NGO Monitor, Garlasco was involved in HRW’s critical investigation into the Gaza Beach incident in 2006, the very critical report on white phosphorous use in the recent Gaza War, and the group’s recent damning report of Israeli use of drones to deliver precision-guided warheads. NGO Monitor head Gerald Steinberg said there was a moral problem with a collector of Nazi memorabilia serving as HRW’s military expert. "HRW is dealing with moral issues – that is their only claim to existence," he said. "So for an organization to have as senior military analysis someone with a Nazi fetish is very problematic. It is certainly insensitive.""