Extensive media coverage of NGO Monitors response to NGO Report on Gaza Humanitarian situation
On March 6, 2008 Amnesty International; Catholic Agency for Overseas Development; CARE (CAFOD); Christian Aid; Médecins du Monde; Oxfam; Save the Children Alliance; Trócaire issued a joint report, "The Gaza Strip: A Humanitarian implosion."
The report repeated the standard NGO condemnations of Israeli policy on Gaza by arbitrarily employing the rhetoric of international law. In response, NGO Monitor’s press releases: "NGO Rhetoric on Gaza Conflict Undermines Human Rights" and "NGOs Use False Claims on Humanitarian Conditions in Gaza," were quoted widely by media outlets that took a critical approach to the NGO report.
NGO Monitor was cited in reports by AP news wire, CNN web site, CBS news web site, USA Today newspaper, Jerusalem Post and Ha’aretz.
Typical quotes from these publications included:
"This week NGO Monitor, a Jerusalem-based watchdog, called on human rights groups to end what it called their political use of international law. It cited an Amnesty International press release that it said made unsubstantiated accusations that Israeli responses "are being carried out with reckless disregard for civilian life".
"NGOs and human rights groups must end their irresponsible and immoral use of legal rhetoric." said Gerald Steinberg, Executive Director of NGO Monitor. "False claims of disproportionate force and collective punishment by Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch make a mockery of international law." ‘