"Amnesty Israel must resign"
A soon to be released report by Amnesty International (AI) on Israel is so prejudiced that the human rights group’s Israeli branch must quit the organization, an NGO Watchdog said in a statement Sunday.
NGO Monitor, based in Jerusalem, and headed by Professor Gerald Steinberg, said that the Israeli branch’s participation "in this campaign undermines the basis of universal human rights."
It described Amnesty’s report, "Enduring Occupation: Palestinians under siege in the West Bank," as providing "more evidence of AI’s strong political agenda on Arab-Israeli issues," adding that "this report also reinforces the unjustified boycott campaigns that delegitimize Israel and the right of self-defense."
"The emotive language employed in the report is more appropriate for a propaganda communiqué, such as the highly charged opening implication that Israel deliberately kills Palestinian children. Once again, Amnesty has invented and ignored evidence in order to demonize Israel," NGO Monitor charged. …