In the Media: Spain
Below is a compilation of articles highlighting NGO Monitor’s contributions to the broader conversation about NGOs, funding, and accountability in Spain. These include blogs and op-eds written by NGO Monitor and staff, as well as articles citing NGO Monitor, or otherwise relevant to our mission.
Lapid in Madrid: “Spain sponsors terror-supporting organizations” (Hebrew)
Itamar Eichner, Ynet, June 29, 2017
The report, conducted by NGO Monitor and ACOM, reveals that Spanish government and public money goes to a number of organizations linked to terror organizations, promoting violence and boycotts, and accusing Israel of ethnic cleansing.
Israeli Lawmaker Urges Spain To Stop Funds For BDS NGOs
Benjamin Weinthal, Jerusalem Post, June 28, 2017
The Jerusalem-based NGO Monitor and Yesh Atid chairman Yair Lapid launched dual criticisms on Wednesday of Spanish government funds for anti-Israel NGOs in the country’s parliament in Madrid.
Lapid to Spanish Parliament: Stop funding anti-Israel NGOs
Arutz Sheva Staff, June 28, 2017
The Spanish Parliament in Madrid, NGO Monitor and ACOM presented their joint report on Wednesday, highlighting Spanish funding for non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that carry out political warfare campaigns against Israel.
Israeli politician Yair Lapid questions the fate of 5 million euros of Spanish public funds (Spanish)
Sabor809, June 28, 2017
Israeli party leader Yesh Tapid, Yair Lapid, and the NGO Monitor organization have handed over to Spanish deputies a report questioning the fate of more than 5 million euros of public funds paid to organizations that promote boycotts, incite violence or directly Have links with terrorist groups.
An Israeli deputy travels to Spain to ask that BDS not be financed (Spanish)
EFE, El Confidencial, June 28, 2017
This is an official visit that aims to publicize the document prepared by the Israeli NGO Monitor on the financing with public money to organizations linked to the BDS and ask that legal measures be created to avoid it, a source from Efe told Efe. Lapid’s office.
Letter to the Editor: Benign Façade
Professor Gerald M. Steinberg, The Jerusalem Post, May 12, 2017
A letter to the editor in response to an article written by the President of NOVACT regarding NGO Monitor’s claims that the organization uses the language of “resistance” to erase terror.
This is how Spain funds Israel’s hatred (Spanish)
Pablo Molina, El Medio, May 4, 2017
For the first time, two organizations that specialize in the Middle East, ACOM and NGO Monitor, have put numbers to the diversion of funds destined to anti-Semitic activities, public money that should be devoted to improve the lives of the Palestinians and not to blame the Jews for all the evils of the region.
Amnesty International and Al Quds Andalucía – Joint Event Commemorating the “Nakba”
NGO Monitor, December 29, 2016
Amnesty International held an event with an openly anti-Israel political organization, Al Quds Andalucía, featured speakers from the Alternative Information Center.
European Funded NGOs linked to PFLP Terror Network, IBA News (Hebrew)
NGO Monitor, November 22, 2016
Report from IBA News based on NGO Monitor research, European Funded NGOs linked to PFLP Terror Network
Spanish Organizations Financing Palestinian Terrorism (Spanish)
Acom, Taringa!, November 18, 2016