Mu'assasat - Human Rights & Good Governance NGO Secretariat in Gaza/West Bank
Country/Territory | Denmark |
According to reports from the Danish government, in 2005, Austria, Denmark, Sweden, and Switzerland formed the original multi-donor secretariat, in order to “harmonize their assistance to NGOs working to promote human rights and good governance in Gaza/West Bank.” This project, entitled Mu’assasat, was coordinated by Denmark, and managed by Copenhagen Development Consulting (CDC).
- Mission: the goals of the organization (as described on the Austrian Foreign Ministry’s website) were, “to strengthening the performance, outcome and strategic outreach of NGO programmes in human rights and good governance (HR/GG), improving coordination among HR & GG NGOs, and improving their internal performance in terms of accountability and organizational governance…”
- Funding was provided by the development agencies of Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland and Austria. According to information NGO Monitor obtained from the Danish Development Agency’s offices in Ramallah, Mu’assasat issued grants totaling USD $5,484,000 to the following organizations:
- PNGO, The Palestinian NGO’s Network
- Badil Resource Center for Palestinian Residency & Refugee Rights (BADIL)
- Gisha, Legal Center for Freedom of Movement
- ICAHD: Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions
- B’Tselem – The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in Occupied Territories
- AL-Dameer Association for Human Rights-Gaza, Gaza
- Defence for Children International – Palestine Section (DCI), Bethlehem
- Hamoked, Center for the Defense for the Individual
- Al-HAQ, Law in the Service of Man, Ramallah
- Public Committee Against Torture in Israel (PCATI), Jerusalem
- Al–Mezan Center, Gaza
- Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR), Gaza
- Physicians for Human Rights – Israel (PHR-I)
- Ramallah Center For Human Rights Studies (RCHRS)
- Jerusalem Legal Aid and Human Rights Center (JLAC)
- Arab Thought Forum (ATF), Jerusalem
- Kav la Oved, Worker’s Hotline
- Musawa, The Palestinian Centre for Independence of the Judiciary and Legal Profession, Ramallah
- Women’s Center for Legal Aid and Counseling (WCLAC)
- Women for Life (WFL), Bidya, Salfit
- Muwatin – the Palestinian Institute for the Study of Democracy, Ramallah
- Women’s Studies Centre (WSC), Dahiet Al-Barid-Jerusalem
- Palestinian Working Woman Society for Development (PWWSD), Ramallah -WB
- In addition, Mu‘assasat made the following small grant support (totaling $140,000):
- ICAHD – House demolition in Silwan
- ICAHD – House demolition at Jahaleen
- “Entry – Re-entry Campaign”
- Arab Thought Forum for a campaign against house demolitions in Wadi Qadrun in Jerusalem
- Stop the Wall Campaign – “Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign”
Staff: The former Director of Mu’assasat, Khalil Nakhleh, had served as a consultant to the European Commission, and as an official of the Palestinian Ministry of Education. In a speech at Sabeel’s 6th International Conference “The Forgotten Faithful” on November 6, 2006, Nakhleh accused Israel of carry out “ethnic cleansing” and a “system of apartheid and an ideology of exclusion”, and proposed an international “coalition of the committed” against Israeli “apartheid”, which “should discard and reject the often repeated slogan of a 2-state solution…” See also references to “Apartheid Separation Wall” in address at a 2004 PASSIA meeting on Governance for the Palestinians.
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