




  • The government of Canada provides direct funding to NGOs through Global Affairs Canada (GAC).
  • Indirect funding to non-governmental organizations (NGOs) operating in Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza is provided via the United Church of Canada, Oxfam Italia, CARE International, and various UN agencies. Many of these NGOs are involved in anti-peace activities such as incitement and BDS (boycott, divestment, and sanctions); some also have reported ties to terrorist organizations.
  • All funding amounts listed are in Canadian dollars ($ CAD).

Lack of Transparency

  • Global Affairs Canada maintains an online database of Canadian-funded projects, but does not list any secondary project partners – reflecting a lack of transparency and accountability.
  • In response to an Access to Information and Privacy (ATIP) request, GAC acknowledged that it does not maintain organized records of secondary project partners, and provided a technical explanation: “There is no field in SAP1 to identify local NGOs or other organizations that may be considered sub-implementers. There is no other database that collects this information systematically.”

Developments Since the October 7th Atrocities

Direct Funding

Direct Funding from Global Affairs Canada

United Church of Canada, KAIROS Canada, Wi’am$975,000 (*planned disbursement)$605,152$324,246
Ma’an Development Center$1,250,000$1,250,000$2,050,000$775,000
Mennonite Central Committee Canada$8.5 million$7.9 million$8.9 million
Norwegian Refugee Council$520,000
Save the Children$995,000

Indirect Canadian Funding

Oxfam Quebec

  • In 2020-2027, Oxfam-Quebec is slated to receive up to $50 million in funding from the Canadian government, of which 10% is earmarked for “volunteer placements” at NGOs based in the West Bank and Gaza.
  • In July 2021, Oxfam-Quebec’s Policy and Campaign Analyst Guilia El Dardiry published an op-ed, “In Gaza, Canada’s Words Won’t Be Enough” (French). The article calls for Canada to suspend arms sales to Israel. El Dardiry, who blames Israel exclusively for the conflict, claims this will “reaffirm [Canada’s] reputation as a world leader in the defense of international law.”

Funding via UN Frameworks

Funding to UNICEF

Funding to UN Women

  • In 2018-2023, according to Global Affairs Canada, Canada is providing $17.3 million to UN Women for work “eliminating violence against women and girls in West Bank and Gaza.” According to the explanation provided by GAC under “type of aid,” the “Contributions to specific-purpose programmes and funds managed by international organisations (multilateral, INGO).” GAC does not list these “international organisations.”
  • According to UN Women, members of its “Civil Society Advisory Group” include representatives from numerous NGOs involved in delegitimization and/or BDS campaigns against Israel, including Women’s Affairs Technical Committee (WATC), Al-Haq, PYALARA, and Culture and Free Thought Association (CFTA). It is unknown if the Canadian grant is being carried out with any of these or other organizations.

Funding to United Nations Population Fund

Funding to the World Food Program

Implementing Partners/NGOsDonor202320222021202020192018
Union of Health Work Committees (UHWC)UNICEF$1,000,000 (on file with NGO Monitor)
WCLAC, PSCCW, PFPPA, PMRS, WISAL CoalitionUN Population Fund$2,600,000
Abdel-Shafi Community Health Association (ACHA), Culture and Free Thought Association (CFTA), Women Affairs Center (WAC), and the Palestinian Medical Relief Society (PMRS)UN Population Fund$787,402$803,213$65,461
“Contributions to specific-purpose programmes and funds managed by international organisations (multilateral, INGO)”UN Women$3,565,043$4,065,836$3,600,000
Food Security SectorWorld Food Programme / Food & Agriculture Organizations$377,712 (USD)
$1,590,781 (USD)
$837,031 (USD)


  1. Data processing software

All Articles about Canada

Further Reading