Financing our own demonization
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"Unfortunately the same festival also featured an evening of sequenced short films about Jerusalem – Jerusalem Moments – that contained just about every imaginable one-sided, context-deficient, unbalanced misrepresentation of Israel rolled into one nasty package, precisely the kind of skewed misportrayal so gallingly common to our least fair-minded critics. Jerusalem Moments was produced by Ir Amim, an Israeli non-profit and self-styled "nonpartisan organization" that works, according to the Cinematheque program, "toward an equitable and stable Jerusalem with an agreed political future." Its seven shorts were the work of "seven young directors, Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem and Israelis" who, the program said, "courageously confront the delicate and charged issues and present personal and political points of view about the complex reality in Jerusalem, between East and West." But if that variety of Israeli, Palestinian, and, in one case, joint Palestinian-Israeli filmmaking teams implied a range of theme and tone, perhaps an examination of Jerusalem’s problems from dramatically diverse and conflicting perspectives, the opposite was the case. This was an exercise in the bludgeoning documentation of Palestinian victimhood and of allegedly mindless Israeli cruelty and aggression." "For Ir Amim’s Jerusalem Moments was made, in part, with NIS 200,000 of funding from the Cinema Project of the Tel Aviv-based Rabinovitch Foundation for the Arts, which gets its funding, in turn, via the Israeli Film Council, from the Ministry of Culture and Sport. Jerusalem Moments was relentless Palestinian Israel-bashing, interspersed with near-relentless Israeli Israel-bashing. And we paid for it."