Exchange of Correspondence with Emanuele Giaufret, Head of the Economic and Political Section, Delegation of the European Commission to the State of Israel
March 20, 2005
Emanuele Giaufret
Head of the Economic and Political Section
Delegation of the European Commission to the State of Israel
Dear Mr. Giaufret,
Your letter in response to NGO Monitor’s report "‘ICAHD – EU funding for one-man NGO promoting extremist anti-Israeli agenda" hopefully marks the first step towards EU transparency with respect to NGO funding. While most of your letter repeated standard EU claims to be supporting peace efforts or discussed unrelated issues, such as Galileo satellites, the substantive response admitted EU funding for Mr. Halper’s systematic denunciation of Israeli "apartheid". At the same time, your caveat that the EU "Partnership for Peace Programme" does not necessarily support the radical political "views expressed by the managers or coordinators of projects supported by the European Union" is incongruous. If the EU does not approve of Halper’s extremist political activities, it should make this clear by ending funding. In contrast, continued EU support for NGOs that are active in incitement is entirely inconsistent with the claim to be supporting peace. And the secrecy of this funding and the absence of accountability are inconsistent with the basic tenets of open and democratic societies.
We look forward to an expanded dialogue with the EU based on full transparency and an end to funding for political activism in the guise of "human rights" NGOs.
Prof. Gerald M. Steinberg
Editor, NGO Monitor
Dear Sir,
In relation to your March 7 report ‘ICAHD – EU funding for one-man NGO promoting extremist anti-Israeli agenda" I would like to provide you with the following information.
The European Union is firmly committed to the objective of two States, Israel and a viable and democratic Palestinian State, living side by side in peace and security in the framework of a comprehensive peace in the Middle East, as laid out in the Roadmap. ( The EU’s participation in the International Quartet, its co-authorship of and support for the Roadmap and its consistent support for the Palestinian Authority and its reform efforts have as objectives precisely to promote the above mentioned two-state solution.
The European Union is extending an offer to Israel to upgrade its relations and deepen its integration within the European Single Market by means of an agreed Action Plan under the European Neighbourhood Policy. ( Moreover, the EU has welcomed Israel into its strategic Galileo global navigation programme, its multi-billion euro research and development programme. Israel also continues to play an active part in the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership which in 2005 will be celebrating its 10th anniversary.
With regard to European Union support for a project submitted by the Israel Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD) under the EU Partnership for Peace Programme, I would like to reiterate that not all views expressed by the managers or coordinators of projects supported by the European Union reflect the views of the European Union.
The overall objective of the EU Partnership for Peace Programme is to help provide a solid foundation at the civil society level for a just and lasting peace in the Middle East. The programme aims to foster wider public exposure to and involvement in the efforts aimed at finding peace in the region. It also aims to strengthen and increase direct civil society relationships and cooperation based on equality and reciprocity between citizens of the region including Israelis of Jewish and Arab origin. Moreover, the Programme aims at broadening the base of support for the peace process in both Israeli and Arab societies by reaching out to those who are traditionally less sensible to peace efforts in the region.
The Israeli practice of house demolitions constitutes, in the view of the EU, in many instances a contravention of international humanitarian law. Fortunately, the Government of Israel recently decided to halt its policy of house-demolitions. The European Union expresses its satisfaction with this decision and is pleased to have contributed, inter alia, through its Partnership for Peace Programme, in bringing it into effect.
Emanuele Giaufret
Head of the Economic and Political Section
Delegation of the European Commission to the State of Israel