European Parliament: Ensure that Funds Are Not Diverted to Incitement
On May 17, 2017, the European Parliament passed a resolution concerning the Middle East peace process, which for the first time unequivocally condemns Palestinian terrorism and incitement.
This unprecedented and welcome commitment also reflects the EU’s readiness to address funding to civil society and to challenge the notion that all support for non-governmental organizations (NGOs) has a positive impact. NGO Monitor has highlighted the marked trend of counterproductive EU and European government funding to NGOs that incite to violence, glorify terrorism, and/or have ties to terrorist organizations.
The relevant passages in the resolution state:
- “[The Parliament] stresses the responsibility of relevant EU [European Union] authorities in continuing to ensure that no EU funding can be directly or indirectly diverted to terrorist organisations or activities that incite these acts.”
- “[The Parliament] Calls for European Union support and protection to civil society actors, including human rights organisations, that contribute to peace efforts and confidence-building between Israelis and Palestinians on both sides” (emphasis added).
For more details regarding EU and European government funding to such organizations please see NGO Monitor’s reports The European-Funded NGO PFLP Network and Whitewashing “Resistance” – Human Rights Funding to Organizations Blurring the Lines between Violence and Nonviolence.