On March 18, 2023, a board member of the Gaza-based NGO Al Mezan participated in a “lawfare” event, organized by a Hamas-affiliated organization and featuring several Hamas leaders.  Al Mezan’s leadership is itself linked to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) – and targets Israel and Israeli officials through international legal institutions, such as the International Criminal Court (ICC), and the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

Al Mezan is funded by European governments, including the EU, the Netherlands, and Sweden, under the headings of support for Palestinian civil society organizations and the promotion of human rights, as detailed below.

The event, “Jurists Confronting the Occupier,” was organized by the Hamas-affiliated International Center for Law Studies and discussed various anti-Israel lawfare initiatives. Hamas political bureau members Mahmoud Al-Zahar and Musa Abu Marzouq, as well as Hamas Palestinian Legislative Council member Mohammed Faraj Al-Ghoul, addressed the participants.

Al Mezan board member Nafez Al-Madhoun also spoke, describing “The Palestinian Authority’s role in combating the racist [Israeli] right wing government’s measures.”

Al-Madhoun (circled in red) participating in an event hosted by the Hamas-affiliated International Center for Law Studies. To his right, Hamas legislator Faraj Al-ghoul; to his left, Hamas Political Bureau member Al-Zahar.

Previous Al Mezan Partnerships with Terrorist Organizations

Al Mezan has previously partnered with terror groups in advancing soft-power lawfare campaigns against Israel.  On April 9, 2015, Al-Mezan hosted a conference in Gaza on strategies for prosecuting Israelis following Palestinian ascendancy to the ICC.  The event featured representatives from Palestinian terrorist organizations – Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) – as well as officials from other European-funded NGOs and the UN. (For more information on Al-Mezan’s soft-power activities targeting Israel through international law institutions, see NGO Monitor’s report “Al-Mezan’s ICC Conference: Sponsored by the UN, Headlined by Terror.”)

Al Mezan Lawfare Campaigns Targeting Israel

Al Mezan has submitted various documents to the ICC and has lobbied the ICC Prosecutor to “Investigate and Deter Israel’s Apartheid Regime.” It has also hosted and participated in multiple events encouraging the weaponizing of the ICC against Israel:

  • On December 1, 2022, Al Mezan director Issam Younis participated in an event titled “Palestine at the ICC: Justice Delayed is Justice Denied.”
  • In May 2022, Al-Haq, PCHR, and Al Mezan filed a submission to the ICC prosecutor “providing a detailed description and analysis of the war crimes and crimes against humanity committed during the May 2021 Israeli military offensive against Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip.”
