Old Multimedia
Prof. Steinberg, BBC Radio: Transparency Needed on Funders of Political War Against Israel
Israeli NGO Funding Transparency Bill in the Knesset
Prof. Steinberg, IBA TV: International Law Has Been Hijacked for Political Purposes
Prof. Steinberg, on IBA TV News, discussing the NGO Funding Transparency Bill before the Israeli Knesset.
Prof. Steinberg, CNN: Political, Negative HRW Abuses "Language of Morality"
Prof. Gerald Steinberg is interviewed on the International CNN program, Prism, regarding the newest Human Rights Watch (HRW) report of 166 pages on Israel and the Palestinians.
Herzberg, IBA TV: HRW Uses Biased, Anecdotal Evidence Against Israel
Anne Herzberg on HRWs report (IBA English TV News)