Old In The News

Showing 81-90 of 289

Counterpoint: Pigeonholing rights groups

"Most Israelis turn a blind eye to civil liberties violations. Regrettably, when they hear of the activities of human rights groups, for the most part they only hear of the ones that seem excessive. Too often, these multi-faceted NGOs are labeled as "radical" because they are perceived as continually creating confrontations with Israeli authorities."

Thousands of Arabs mark Land Day

"A statement [can be read on Adalahs website: http://www.adalah.org/newsletter/eng/mar08/mar08.html (should be a hyperlink here, really... great if you can turn it into one, Assaf!)] released this week in honor of Land Day by the NGO Adalah - The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel, said: This colonial regime has now been in existence for over 60 years, on the basis of a Zionist ideology to control the Land of Israel... The apartheid regime was overthrown in South Africa... such regimes have no place in this century."

BTselem Justifies Killing of IDF Soldiers Wherever They Are

''(IsraelNN.com) According to senior researcher Lt. Col. (res.) Jonathan Dahoah-Halevi, the left-wing group BTselem appears to justify the murder of Israeli soldiers.'' ''In an article published over the weekend, Dahoah-Halevi, a researcher with the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, points out that while BTselem condemns attacks on Israeli civilians, it has yet to condemn an attack on Israeli soldiers.''

Aid groups admit Gaza report gaffe

Aid organisations have published a correction to a case study used in a report last week denouncing Israel's blockade of Gaza. The document, The Gaza Strip: a Humanitarian Crisis, issued by Christian Aid, Oxfam, Save the Children and five other non-governmental organisations, highlighted the plight in particular of one Palestinian in Gaza called Munir. He is quoted as saying that the Israelis would not allow him to travel to Jordan to receive medical treatment for thyroid cancer.

Sabeels Rhetoric Questioned by Jewish Peace Activists

Israeli policies are a constant source of debate within Israeli society and within the Jewish community in the United States. Rather than acknowledge the diverse opinions within these communities about Israeli policies, Christian institutions oftentimes invoke Jewish and Israeli self-criticism in a manner that legitimizes their own anti-Israel narrative, the implication being that if Israelis and Jews can unfairly criticize Israel and compare Israel as akin the Nazi regime, then Christians are free to do the same. These same institutions, however, are very unlikely to offer their readers information about Jewish or Israeli voices that would defend or even provide context to Israeli policies.

NIF signs up to Magenta principles ahead of Durban 2009

"NIF joins the signatories out of an abiding concern that anti-Semitic language and actions not be sanctioned at any upcoming WCAR follow-up forums. In doing so, we draw a distinction between abhorrent anti-Semitism or anti-Israel racist statements, and legitimate criticism of the human rights policies and practices of Israel, the US or any other country.

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