Old In The News

Showing 261-270 of 289

Pro-Palestinian Group Plans Anti-Israel Campaign

The International Solidarity Movement, a protest group that confronts Israeli military forces in Palestinian areas and voices support for others who engage in armed resistance against Israel, is currently conducting its "Freedom Summer" campaign, which runs through August 19...

MSNBC Transcripts The Abrams Report

HRW official Jo Becker and Steve Emerson on Palestinian exploitation of children for terrorism, MSNBC The Abrams Report July 13 2004

Transcript of interview with Urmi Shah from HRW

Transcript of interview with Urmi Shah from HRW, broadcast in "Jenin: Massacring the Truth," produced and directed by Martin Himel, Elsasah Productions, for Global Television Network, Inc. 2004.

Showing 261-270 of 289