Old In The News

Showing 241-250 of 289

"Jerusalem Summit Condemns UNRWA"

"The Greatest Obstacle to Peace in the Middle East" it turns out is not Jewish "settlements," but the United Nations, and specifically one of its agencies, UNRWA. This was the conclusion...

Peace and Goodwill to all Men?

UK Christian Aid has long pushed an anti-Israel program, aggressively promoting the Palestinian narrative at the expense of both peace and of relieving Palestinian poverty...

"EMHRN report continues exploitation of human rights rhetoric"

EMHRN, an EU body that has been involved in anti-Israeli political campaigns using the rhetoric of human rights and international law, and seeks to undermine Israeli-EU relations, published a report entitled: A Human Rights Review on the EU and Israel (2003-4). Like other EMHRN reports, this one is stripped the context of Palestinian terror in order to condemn Israeli defensive actions.

"Human Rights Watch Joins Anti-Israel Boycott Campaign"

Following the release of its flawed and one-sided report "Razing Rafah", (analyzed by NGO Monitor on 18 October 2004), Human Rights Watch has turned its attention to the US-based Caterpillar Inc. In a 23 November 2004 press release...

"Your Tax Dollars at Work"

Yesterday the House International Relations Committee revealed that money from the United Nations Oil for Food program, which was supposed to provide humanitarian assistance to the Iraqi people, helped pay the families of Palestinian suicide bombers. This shouldnt come as a surprise. The U.N. has a problem with anti-Semitism: It doesnt know what it is...

Showing 241-250 of 289