Old In The News

Showing 231-240 of 289

Christmas Day with Christian Aid - a Personal Account

Christmas morning - a time when Christian families who have gathered together to celebrate the birth of Jesus (Yeshua) their Messiah, go to the local church. For us this happened to be in Scotland. The church...

Responses to NGO Monitors Tsuanmi Aid Guide

The tsunami, and the dreadful devastation it wreaked, has re-awakened one of the most vexed of theological questions: Why does God allow bad things to happen to innocent...

"Demolitions Are a Big Mistake"

After 10 years in the always-interesting, always-frustrating job of defending the legality of Israels actions in the war against terrorism, Irit Kohn, director of the department of international affairs in the Justice Ministry, is calling it a day...

"Islamic Group Banned by Many Is Not on U.S. Terrorist List"

The militant Islamic group exhorts Muslims to suicide bombings, martyrdom against American "infidels" and the killing of Jews. It openly advocates replacing all Middle East governments with an Islamic caliphate...

"IMRA Takes Issue With Betselem Casualty Figures"

IMRA: Sarit Michaeli explained to IMRA today that the term "did not participate in hostilities " includes any person killed while next to those "participating in hostilities" even if they are acting as a "human shield" for those"participating in hostilities"...

Showing 231-240 of 289