Old In The News

Showing 211-220 of 289

"Geneva Panel of UN Experts Questions Annans Human Rights Reforms"

A panel of UN Experts and senior diplomats leveled strong critiques against key elements of the reports recently presented by UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan and the High Level Panel he tasked to propose reforms for overhaul of the world body. In the first-ever debate...

"The Rabbi Who Pricks Israels Conscience"

Rabbi Arik Ascherman has spent years planting himself atop doomed Palestinian homes, reading extracts of international law to Israeli forces as they demolish the buildings beneath his feet...

"NGO Coalition Blasts Syria at U.N. Human Rights Commission"

Testifying today before the UN Commission on Human Rights in Geneva, a multinational coalition of 11 NGOs, including UN Watch, Freedom House and Canadas Droits et Democratie, blasted Syria for gross human rights violations arising...

"GP Mag Says Sorry For Leaflet"

A JOURNAL for doctors has apologised for offence caused by an insert for a Palestinian charity. GP Magazine has received a number of complaints over the leaflet, appealing for donations to Medical Aid for Palestinians...

"World Ignores Genocide in Sudan"

When the tsunami swept the shores of Southeast Asia, a seismic wave of grief and generosity swept the world. People and governments around the world opened their hearts and wallets to the survivors and to assist in the rebuilding in the wake of the devastation...

Showing 211-220 of 289