Old In The News

Showing 201-210 of 289

"Amnesty International Do Your Homework"

As in the previous 12 years, I read this years annual report of Amnesty International (AI). It is indeed a very disturbing document. It minutely lists horrible events that take place all over the globe, to which most people are indifferent. One should...

"War on Want Urges Sanctions Against Israel"

A LEADING communal executive has voiced fears that British charities are being swept along by a tide of anti-Israel sentiment. Board of Deputies director-general Jon Benjamin said this week that, while it was legitimate to raise funds for impoverished Palestinians...

"Dovish Group Stung By Own Grantee"

New Israel Fund reassessing funding in wake of inflammatory article pressing divestment by one of its Law Fellows...

Showing 201-210 of 289