Old In The News

Showing 181-190 of 289

Local Groups Threaten Sharon

It was produced by an umbrella group calling itself the Coalition Against Israels War Crimes, which lists 77 different Canadian organizations as its constituents. Among them are several recognizable groups such as the Canadian Arab Federation, the Canadian Islamic Congress and Palestine House...

For Bayefsky, Keeping Eye on U.N. Is a Crucial Mission

"Israel is the Rosa Parks of the United Nations system," she said. "How else to explain the hate-fests that are held year after year, the second-class treatment, the resolutions targeting Israel for alleged human rights abuses...

Analysis of NGO Funding: Swiss Agency for Development & Cooperation (SDC)

The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), a department within the Swiss Foreign Ministry, is very active in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict zone. While its mission is to provide humanitarian assistance, SDC also provides funding for a number of NGOs with strong political agendas, such as Al Mezan, ARIJ, and "Dev.tv". These groups emphasize external issues including the justification of violence, rather than contributing to internal norms of good governance and civil society. The political emphasis on SDCs website and the indirect funding of other NGOs via Swisspeace are also inconsistent with and undermine central development goals.

"Extracts on UN reform, including relations with pro-Palestinian NGOs, from US Ambassador to the UN Bolton's Testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee"

The Prepared Statement One key task is to identify those programs that we consider to be the best run in terms of efficiency, accountability, transparency, and, of course, performance. As has been discussed before by many officials, both within the UN system and in member state governments, there are several identifiable factors that seem to account for the variation in performance of UN agencies.

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