Old In The News

Showing 161-170 of 289

"Funding NGOs is No Solution"

The ascendance of Hamas in the Palestinian legislative elections has highlighted the difficulties resulting from the massive "development" funding provided by foreign donors. For years, the international community has been funneling vast sums to the Palestinian Authority, hoping for a magical transformation leading to economic growth, self-sufficiency and even peace...

Human Rights Watchs Letter Seen as Anti-Israel

Concern is mounting over a letter sent to President Bush last month by one of America's largest human rights organizations, Human Rights Watch, denouncing Israeli settlers in the West Bank and the Israeli security fence as part of an "illegal" land grab. Supporters of Israel this week excoriated the missive, which urges a cessation of American funding to the Jewish state, as "anti-Israel" and...

"An Eye on the Haters"

Frontpage Interviews guest today is Gerald Steinberg, the founder and editor of NGO Monitor, a website that promotes critical debate and accountability of human rights non-government organizations (NGOs) in the Arab-Israeli conflict...

20 Quebec Groups Urge Israel Boycott

Twenty Quebec organizations, including the Fdration des Femmes du Qubec (FFQ) and the provincial union of CEGEP teachers, have endorsed a new campaign to boycott Israeli products and companies deemed to be supporting the Jewish states...

Animal Rights Group Addresses Mideast Conflict

PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) President Ingrid E. Newkirk said last Thursday at the International Nonviolence Conference in Bethlehem, we call all attacks on civilians, whether against Palestinians in Jenin or Israelis in Tel Aviv...

Officials at U.N. Seek Fast Action on Rights Panel

Officials of the United Nations, which has struggled through a period of scandal and mismanagement, have decided they must act within weeks to produce an alternative to its widely discredited Human Rights Commission to maintain hope of redeeming the United Nations' credibility in 2006...

Showing 161-170 of 289