Old In The News

Showing 151-160 of 289

"Holding Court"

Hilary interviews Irwin Cotler, former Canadian Minister of Justice. Cotler discusses the role of NGOs and their roles with regards to Israel, among other issues.

"UK Team Probes Anti-Israel Event"

The Charity Commission for England and Wales is looking at whether an anti-Israel event to be hosted on Sunday by War on Want, a registered British charity, constitutes a breach of their charity status...

"Ford Foundation is Criticized on Mideast Funding"

Three years after the Ford Foundations grants to anti-Israel groups prompted a furor in Congress, the $10 billion New York-based philanthropy is at it again, according to a report by the NGO Monitor, an Israel-based organization overseen by Israels former ambassador to the United Nations, Dore Gold...

"Palestinian Seeking U.S. Entry Says Israelis Are War Criminals"

Tourani's Gaza-based Palestinian Center for Human Rights "is one of the few organizations that issue condemnations of Palestinian institutions," said the Israeli-based director of NGO Monitor, Gerald Steinberg. But Mr. Steinberg, who specializes in detecting anti-Israeli bias among NGOs and human rights organizations, added that there is another side to Mr. Tourani. His anti-Israeli activities allow his organization to continue operating under Palestinian Arab Gaza authorities. Mr. Tourani is mostly prominent in a "campaign to harass IDF officers," Mr. Steinberg said.

"Israelis Want AIPAC Bill Softened"

The Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act of 2006 would ban all non-humanitarian American assistance to the Palestinian Authority and prohibits official American contacts with the P.A. unless Hamas recognizes Israel and renounces terrorism. The article also discusses the potential impact on NGO funding.

"Charity Money Often Used for Politics"

With Israel calling on the international community to cease funding the Palestinian Authority in the wake of its takeover by Hamas, foreign governments and philanthropic organizations are discussing alternative means of aiding humanitarian efforts throughout the West Bank and Gaza Strip...

Showing 151-160 of 289