Old In The News

Showing 141-150 of 289

"Egypt questions alleged spy's Canadian citizenship"

An Egyptian being held in a Cairo prison on charges of spying for Israel is a Canadian citizen. ...Amnesty International Canada continues to sound the alarm over el-Attar's alleged confession, arguing Egypt's record of mistreating prisoners, and using torture to obtain confessions is cause for concern. "The fact that this person instantly confessed to these actions causes us to pause and consider how the evidence was obtained," Amnesty spokesman John Tackaberry said...The organization says the Canadian government should push hard for private access to the prisoner.

"Palestinian aid policies backfiring "

"Concern is mounting in the international aid community that policies aimed at isolating the Palestinian Authoritys ruling Hamas movement have backfired by further impoverishing the people of Gaza and the West Bank without seriously undermining the Islamists .The British charity Oxfam joins the debate on Wednesday with an appeal for Europe to scrap an emergency aid programme that bypasses Hamas and revert to direct funding of the PA government that it controls. The way that European aid is currently being delivered is undermining Palestinian basic services and damaging a highly fragile economy, said Barbara Stocking, Oxfams director."

"British embassy funding Israeli NGO study on impact of separation fence"

"The British Embassy in Israel is helping to fund research on the enclaves created by the separation fence around Palestinian villages in the West Bank. ...The study is being carried out by the non-governmental organization Bimkom - Planners for Planning Rights. Officials from Bimkom say that the embassy contributed about 10,000 pounds ... A source in Israels Foreign Ministry on Monday criticized the action. "It is interference by Britain in an internal Israeli matter. How would they react in London if our embassy was to fund research on a British organization that is trying to promote an agenda that is critical of [the government]? This is not acceptable in international relations."

"Three people killed in Eilat blast"

"Btselem strongly condemns the attack in Eilat.... in which three people were killed. Attacks aimed at civilians undermine all rules of morality and law. Palestinian organizations raise several arguments to justify attacks on Israeli civilians. The main argument is that all means are legitimate in fighting for independence against a foreign occupation. This argument is completely baseless , and contradicts the fundamental principle of international humanitarian law . This principle is part of international customary law; as such, it applies to every state, organization, and person, even those who are not party to any relevant convention. BTselem calls on the armed Palestinian groups to immediately cease all attacks directed at civilians."

"Left-wing rabbis split on anti-IDF group"

"Rabbis for Human Rights Israel (RHRI) is at odds with its sister organization in North America ...During a board meeting ...some leading members of RHRI strongly criticized Rabbis for Human Rights North America (RHR-NA) for honoring a New York-based legal advocacy group that sued two senior Israeli security officials for perpetrating "war crimes." On December 11, RHR-NA honored the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) ...CCR is the same organization that issued class action suits on behalf of Palestinians and Lebanese against Avi Dichter... and Lt. Gen. (ret.) Moshe Ya'alon, former head of the Intelligence Branch and former chief of General Staff of the IDF. One board member of RHRI said he and other board members were appalled by the decision to honor the CCR. "This incident demonstrates the ideological rift that exists between us and our sister organization in North America," said the rabbi.

"Israeli NGO vows Amazon boycott over Carter review"

"The Israeli Committee against House Demolitions (ICAHD) has opened a campaign to censor on-line retailer Amazon.com following the posting of a critical review of former US president Jimmy Carters book Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid. ... In a March 2005 brief, NGO Monitor, part of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, described the Committee against House Demolitions [funded by the European Union] as "a well-funded, blatantly political and ideological one-man NGO, which couches its radical anti-Israel agenda and demonization in the rhetoric of human rights." The brief continues: ICAHD coordinator Jeff "Halper routinely uses terms such as apartheid and war crimes to refer to Israeli policy against Palestinian terror, supports a one state solution, and advocates sanctions and boycotts."

"HRW Slams UN Body for Anti-Israel Bias"

"This is what we call the pot calling the kettle black. Human Rights Watch is as guilty as the United Nations Human Rights Council in having an anti-Israel agenda," said Gerald Steinberg, who directs the Jerusalem-headquartered NGO Monitor, accused the rights organization of merely trying to deflect criticism, and charged that, "The Human Rights Council is simply following Human Rights Watchs lead."

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