Old In The News

Showing 131-140 of 289

"Australia: PM Rejects Amnesty Report"

The Australian Government rejects the characterisation of Australia and her human rights record contained in Amnesty Internationals 2007 annual report, as well as reported comments about Australia by Amnesty Internationals secretary general. The reports entry on Australia contains a string of assertions, unsupported by evidence and devoid of context. The reports treatment of Australia amounts to little more than a shoddy caricature. Nowhere is the reports political agenda clearer than the paragraph in its foreword which seeks to bracket Australian and US policies with the horrendous human rights situation in Darfur and Robert Mugabes disastrous misrule in Zimbabwe.

" Pro-Palestinian charities warned over 'politicising' "

'Charities planning to take part in next month's pro-Palestinian rally in London, marking the 40th anniversary of the Six-Day War, have been warned to abide by regulations set out by the Charity Commission.....A spokesman for the commission said it had received messages of concern that by supporting the Enough Coalition rally, the groups may be breaking the rules preventing charities from becoming political bodies...A spokesman for the commission said it had received messages of concern that by supporting the Enough Coalition rally, the groups may be breaking the rules preventing charities from becoming political bodies...One of the charities taking part in the rally, War on Want, is being monitored by the commission following complaints about two leaflets it has distributed.'

"Charity under fire"

Communal leaders and Israeli Embassy officials have attacked the actions of a British charity which has announced that it is a "leading member" of the pro-Palestinian Enough coalition, which is planning anti-occupation protests on the 40th anniversary of the Six Day War next month.. The row blew up as War on Want officials took former cabinet minister Clare Short a strong critic of Israel to the West Bank, where she met Palestinians and then accused Israel of "war crimes".

"Terror plot may have blown family reunification"

'Human rights organizations will have a tougher time now persuadingthe High Court of Justice to overturn a provisional law prohibitingPalestinian men under the age of 35 and women under 25 from living in Israel with their Israeli spouses after the latest suicide bomb plot by Hamas. A car carrying 100 kg. of explosives was driven across the seam line from Kalkilya to Tel Aviv and back again to Kalkilya by a Palestinian married to an Israeli woman. As a result of Israel's family reunification policies, the suspect enjoyed residential status in Israel and therefore carried a blue identity card, allowing him to pass through IDF checks....

"Jewish money and the Arab citizen"

'Thirty percent of the money the NIF distributes is channeled to activities aimed at promoting the Arabs of Israel, to raise them to an equal status. This is a central part of the important objective of "a Jewish and democratic state........"The Future Vision of the Palestinian Arabs in Israel" document, which demands a right of veto over national decisions and cultural autonomy, aroused second thoughts....The NIF gives a lot of money to organizations like Adalah, which played a central role in the provocative document...

"NGOs urge European leaders in Geneva to protest Iranian abuses"

"An international coalition of human rights groups called on nine European government ministers visiting Geneva today to rebuke Iran for its repression of women, dissidents and religious and ethnic minorities.The letter by Womens Federation for World Peace, Hope for Africa, the Open Society Institute and 24 other NGOs from across Europe, North America, Africa and Asia protested Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottakis appearance today at the UN Human Rights Council, and urged German Foreign Minister Steinmeier, Dutch Foreign Minister Verhagen, Swedish Foreign Minister Bildt and six other leaders to speak out during their turn at the Council podium. Mr. Mottaki was responsible for organizing the December conference in Tehran questioning the Holocaust. "

UN committee: Israel should let Palestinians return to their land

"The appearance before the [UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination] of the human rights organizations, which also included B'Tselem (the Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories) and Ittijah (the Union of Arab Community Based Organizations in Israel), is part of an increasing trend to fight Israeli policies in international forums. Adalah said some of the information provided to the committee came from its international advocacy department assigned to UN committees."

"Dismay Over New U.N. Human Rights Council"

"The United Nations Human Rights Council begins a three-week session in Geneva on Monday amid expressions of frustration from rights advocates at its early performance and alarm over proposals that might weaken it further. So far its been enormously disappointing, and the opponents of human rights enforcement are running circles around the proponents, said Kenneth Roth, the executive director of Human Rights Watch. "

Showing 131-140 of 289