Old In The News

Showing 91-100 of 289

The International Commission of Jurists attacks Israel at the UN in an effort to extend the mandate of UN Special Rapporteur

The ICJ concluded another mission to Israel and lobbied the United Nations Human Rights Council in their 7th Session (3-8 March) to renew the mandate of the Special Rapporteur charged with examining the humanitarian situation in the Occupied Territories. The ICJ argues that Israels duty to ensure the security of its civilian population does not justify Israels "indiscriminate and disproportionate use of force in violation of international humanitarian law". The ICJ accuses Israel of "direct and wilful targeting of the civilian population, its means of subsistence, and its infrastructure", of violating international humanitarian law and that this "may amount to war crimes according to customary international humanitarian law."

Radical NGOs pull out of Anti-Annapolis conference in Madrid hosted by Spanish government, after Spanish Foreign Ministry invites Israeli groups that oppose a one-state solution

According to a December 16, 2007 Ha'aretz report, "an investment of hundreds of thousands of dollars, loads of time and countless attempts at intensive Spanish-brokered talks between Israelis and Palestinians went down the drain," when a "peace gathering" scheduled to take place December 14-16 in Madrid The Forum for a Just Peace in the Middle East "collapsed before it could even get started."

Showing 91-100 of 289