Old Correspondence

Showing 161-170 of 207

Letter to the editor of the Jerusalem Post, "Funds for demonization", in response to "Pinochet judge visits to see if officials culpable for house demolitions" by Tova Lazaroff

Sir, - "Pinochet judge visits to see if officials culpable for house demolitions" (February 7) was irresponsible publicity for Jeff Halpers one-man NGO, the Israeli Committee Against Home Demolitions (ICAHD). It repeated, verbatim, ICAHDs claims to hold Israel "accountable to human rights," and ignored its record of anti-Israel campaigning...

Correspondence between Kenneth Roth and Joshua Muravchik, in response to Muravchiks article "Human Rights Watch vs. Human Rights"

Rather than address the detailed and troubling evidence that Israel recently turned much of southern Lebanon into a free-fire zone, with predictable deadly consequences for civilians, Joshua Muravchik summarily dismisses the evidence as the product of one big leftist conspiracy with origins going back to the Cold War ("Human Rights Watch vs. Human Rights," Sept. 11)...

"CAMERA and Human Rights Watch: An Exchange"

On Sept. 7, CAMERA posted an article questioning the number of reported civilian casualties in Lebanon. Much of the media had uncritically accepted Lebanese casualty claims while discounting Israeli estimates that suggested a substantial number of the total dead were Hezbollah fighters...

Charles Jacobs, "Amnestys dirty little secret," The Jewish Advocate. Amnesty letter to the editor of the Jewish Advocate sent in response to this article. Gerald Steinberg letter to the editor of the Jewish Advocate sent in response to this article.

In two recent columns, Charles Jacobs argues that Amnesty International (Amnesty) is biased against Israel and indifferent to the suffering of people throughout the Middle East and sub-Saharan Africa. Citing the self-titled "NGO Monitor", Jacobs concocts his argument by counting the number of reports and press releases on Israel, China and Sudan, and then concludes by hinting that Amnesty must be anti-Semitic. Both Jacobsmethodology and his conclusions are mistaken...

Charles Jacobs, "Amnestys Disproportion," The Jewish Advocate. Amnesty letter to the editor of the Jewish Advocate sent in response to this article. Gerald Steinberg letter to the editor of the Jewish Advocate sent in response to this article.

In two recent columns, Charles Jacobs argues that Amnesty International (Amnesty) is biased against Israel and indifferent to the suffering of people throughout the Middle East and sub-Saharan Africa. Citing the self-titled "NGO Monitor", Jacobs concocts his argument by counting the number of reports and press releases on Israel, China and Sudan, and then concludes by hinting that Amnesty must be anti-Semitic. Both Jacobsmethodology and his conclusions are mistaken...

Letter to Amnesty International from Prof. Eytan Gilboa of Bar Ilan University: Amnesty Report on Israel in Lebanon

There is ample evidence to suggest that Amnesty International and the branch in Israel, which means you, are systematically biased toward Israel (see the many excellent reports issued by NGO Monitor. Most of your reports on the conflicts Israel has been recently involved in are inaccurate, distorted and misleading. The last outrageous example is the report of your alleged Israeli war crimes in the recent Hezbollah initiated war in Lebanon. You have been very quick to publish the report on Israel, and you are saying that you will publish a report on Hezbollah at a future date...

Correspondence Between an Anonymous Individual and the U.K. Charity Commission Regarding War on Want from June 14 to July 12, 2006

I am a postgraduate student at the University of London and saw a flyer on campus advertising registered charity War on Wants July 9th conference entitled "Profiting from the Occupation: A Peoples Tribunal to expose the Corporations behind the Israeli Occupation of Palestine." See http://www.waronwant.org/palestine for specific details of this event. I am puzzled...

Exchange of correspondence with Iain Levine of Human Rights Watch regarding Gerald M. Steinberg, "Human-Rights Schizophrenia: Human Rights Watch shows a disturbing disparity in its treatment of Israel and China," National Review Online

Kenneth Roth, the longtime head of Human Rights Watch, published a powerful piece on China coinciding with President Hus recent visit to the U.S. It was an eloquent defense of the need to press China to implement basic human rights, and it was evidence that HRW, when it is not influenced by personal political agendas, can be an effective advocate of human rights. Unfortunately, when it comes to Israel, this has not been the case...

Showing 161-170 of 207