Old Correspondence

Showing 151-160 of 207

Jeff Denaburgs letter to Amnesty International, "Could Amnesty International be further from reality?"

I am again disappointed by your 2007 reports on Israel and the Palestinians. Its fine to scrutinize Israels actions and measure them against human rights standards. But clearly the application of any law has to take into account all of the factors influencing the actions. Amnesty insists on judging Israel as if Israel is not under constant threat of Palestinian terrorism. This makes little sense and results in highly prejudicial reports.

Letter to the editor of Haaretz, HRW and Adalahs Petition to the Supreme Court Not Credible, in response to "High Court to weigh probe on alleged IDF war crimes in Gaza", Yuval Yaoz, 15 April 2007, Haaretz

Adalahs and Human Rights Watchs petition to the Supreme Court charging Israel with war crimes during the 2004 Operation Rainbow is a clear political act. Their claims ignore the complex security situation in which the Israel operates, and they have shown no clear method of determining motivations like "revenge" on a systematic basis.

Letter to the Editor, Cornell Sun

Josh Goldman (Prof: Middle East Controversy Contrived March 12) reports that Norman Finkelstein quoted from Amnesty International, BTselem and Human Rights Watch in supporting his anti-Israel case, .Thishighlights a key problem with the activity of many human rights NGOs active in the Middle East...

"Federations & Mossawa"

"Sir, - In "Not with my money" (February 14), Lori Lowenthal Marcus made irresponsible statements about United Jewish Communities (UJC) and the Jewish Federations of North America. She disregarded facts and leveraged controversy surrounding Mossawa in an attempt to score political points for the Zionist Organization of America, which she represents. For the record: UJC and Federation dollars do not fund Mossawa. Most distressingly, her op-ed could give pause to donors who enthusiastically support UJC and the Federations and the critical humanitarian, educational and community-building services and projects underwritten by our annual campaign and Israel Emergency Campaign. All who support UJC and the Federations do so in the knowledge that their dollars help meet the needs of all Israelis at a time of great need. We pride ourselves on this fact, on the generosity of our donors, and on the great accountability and transparency with which we deal with our supporters. "

"Out of context"

"Sir, - Lori Lowenthal Marcuss accusations against the Jewish Agency in "Not with my money" (February 14) were preposterous and totally out of context. The Jewish Agency for Israel has never funded the Mossawa organization. In 2005 the Jewish Agency funded projects of the New Israel Fund to the sum of $96,664, and $58,366 for 2006. All these funds went to NIF projects relating to immigrant absorption, empowerment of immigrant women and religious pluralism."

Gerald Steinberg, Letter to the Guardian in response to Adam Leach, Oxfam UK "Give Palestine a chance for peace," The Guardian

Powerful charities such as Oxfam should focus on humanitarian aid, not produce simplistic political statements (Letters, February 10). Adam Leach may be well intentioned, but he presents a highly distorted and patronising view of the causes of Palestinian suffering and the absence of peace. The massive diversion of aid to support terror and the corruption in the Palestinian Authority is well documented. Mr Leach prematurely claims that the agreements signed in Mecca will end civil violence, while more prudent and experienced analysts note the obstacles to the implementation of this agreement.

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