Old Correspondence

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U.S. Image Problem; Watching Human Rights

The U.N. Human Rights Council, Amnesty International, and Human Rights Watch have degraded rights norms to the extant that they have lost both their universal character and moral authority by targeting "hotspots" such as Israel, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

A letter from NGO Monitor to IFLA regarding the "Libraries from Human Rights Perspective" conference

As a political organization, RCHRS consistently calls for pressure on the Israeli Government" to "deter it from violating the international law, and has stated that all world countries should adhere to their ethical and political responsibilities in putting an end for the Israeli racial aggression. Such rhetoric clearly reflects an extreme pro-Palestinian political position, which ignores RCHRS' mandate to promote "a culture of tolerance and respect for human rights," and does not contribute to mutual understanding and conflict resolution.

Exploiting the rhetoric of Human Rights

By using Gisha, Adalah, BTselem, Machsom Watch and other NGOs to pepper the Israeli courts on behalf of perennial Palestinian victims (Bashis agenda ignores Israeli victims of terror); by publicizing reports and holding conferences with these themes, the donors share the responsibility for this moral travesty.

Is it Amnesia or Amnesty

When even Israels far-left Rabbis for Human Rights warn that the 2009 UN Conference on Racism could turn into an anti-Israel hate fest like the 2001 Durban affair, then all of us should worry.

Correspondence between Alwyn Knight, member of Christian Peacemaker Teams and Ardie Geldman, resident of Efrat.

Alwyn Knight of CPT writes to Ardie Geldman, following a visit by CPT to Geldman's Efrat home. Knight writes "on behalf of the group" and repeats claims made by "a spokesperson for the Israeli Committee against House Demolitions," that "sewerage works for Efrat, is being built we understand on land confiscated from local Palestinian farmers." Geldman refutes this claim, and many others: "the pipes you describe are not sewerage pipes. They are rainwater and irrigation water drainage pipes The land in question was filled in by the army, and to prevent flooding these drainage pipes were installed. So, contrary to what you were told and what you did see with your own eyes, the land you visited is not owned by Palestinian farmers, the pipes you saw are not sewerage pipes, and the city of Efrat has nothing to do with this project."

Dec 07- Jan 08: NGO Monitor Correspondence with Christian Peacemaker Teams, December 2007 - January 2008 [UPDATED]

In December 2007, NGO Monitor sent its draft report on the Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT), to the NGO for a response. CPT responded that it "does not agree with the views that you express in your report about our work. You .ignored other articles we published such as ones about our visit to Sderot and about the Israeli armys provision of water to Palestinian residents of Wadi Ghroos." However CPT failed to provide these reports to NGO Monitor when requested. The following is the email correspondence with CPT.

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