
Primer on Sheikh Jarrah Property Claims

On February 10, 2021, the Jerusalem District Court upheld an October 2020 Jerusalem Magistrate Court decision, requiring a number of Sheikh Jarrah residents to vacate properties they are living in by May 2, 2021.


Palestine Legal’s Hypocrisy on Title VI Complaints

On April 13, 2021, Palestine Legal filed a Title VI complaint with the Department of Education. Apparently, Palestine Legal acknowledges that Title VI complaints can make an important contribution to addressing racism on campus. Unless the victims are Jews


NGOs Celebrate the ICC’s Decision to Open a Formal Investigation

On March 3, 2021, Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) Fatou Bensouda announced the launch of a formal investigation into alleged war crimes committed by Israel in the “State of Palestine.” International, Palestinian, and Israeli NGOs celebrated the decision, demonizing Israel with allegations of “apartheid” and “crimes against humanity.”

Season 3, Episode 7: The NGO-Media Relationship

The media often gives prominence to politicized NGOs, influencing much of the discourse surrounding Israel and its actions. How important are “human rights NGOs” to media coverage of events in Israel? Do journalists cross check the information provided by NGOs? Join our host Yona Schiffmiller and Director of the Israel office of CAMERA, the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and Analysis Tamar Sternthal as they discuss the concerning relationship between NGOs and the media.


Season 3, Episode 5: Vaccinating Palestinians: Israel or the PA?

As Israel has lapped the rest of the world in vaccinating its public against COVID-19, NGOs have smeared the country for not similarly vaccinating Palestinians. What- if any- responsibilities does Israel have towards Palestinian healthcare? How do these NGO claims square with international law and signed agreements between Israel and the Palestinians? Join our host Yona Schiffmiller and NGO Monitor Legal Advisor Anne Herzberg as they delve into these questions.
