
CWP condemns NIF as NGO Monitor "ally"

In a letter contradicting many of NIFs claims and allegations against NGO Monitor, CWP confirms the accuracy of NGO Monitors account.

Letter regarding NIF funding

The New Israel Fund (NIF) on May 12 issued a statement falsely claiming that NGO Monitor knowingly published false information.The latest NIF grant information lists CWP as having received almost $300,000 from 2006-2009.

Letter to Rachel Liel - NIF-Israel Executive Director

Dear Ms. Liel, The version of our conversation on Wednesday reported in NIFs press release entirely distorts and misrepresents the facts. In addition, the continued uncivil attacks on me and on NGO Monitors fully documented research, and the attempts to silence documented analyses of NIFs political funding and activities, are the antithesis of the progressive and liberal values you claim to support....