
Christian Aid Week in UK

According to NGO Monitors research, Christian Aid assumes a highly biased and politicized approach to the Arab-Israeli conflict.

AFSC Seeks to Galvanize Advocacy for Justice through BDS

The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) hosted a two-day conference (March 28-29, 2014) in Philadelphia aimed at galvaniz[ing] advocacy for justice by featuring workshops promoting BDS and an end to U.S. military aid to Israel.

JVP's Next "BDS Summer Institute"

Jewish Voice for Peace and the American Friends Service Committee are hosting a 2014 BDS Summer Institute student leadership training course, August 10-14 in Northern California.

EAPPI in Finland Accuses Israel of Persecuting Palestinian Children

The Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel (EAPPI), in conjunction with Finn Church Aid (funded by the Finnish government), is traveling to major university campuses in Finland, alleging that Israel victimizes and discriminates against the Palestinian population and “vindictively persecutes” Palestinian children.