
NGO Monitor Impact – An Emerging Political Debate in Brussels on EU Funding to NGOs

A 2017 report published by the European Commission affirms many of NGO Monitor’s findings – namely, the absence of a clear and singular definition of an “NGO,” lack of transparency, inconsistency in EU reporting and policy objectives, uneven distribution of funds, interconnectedness among grantees, and insufficient oversight.


Palestinian Prisoners Day: NGOs Promote Terrorist Propaganda

NGOs played a central role in disseminating the 2017 PLO Prisoner Day propaganda, including using social media to share Marwan Barghouti's New York Times op-ed. The Times fails to inform readers that Barghouti was the leader of the armed wing of Fatah and a founder of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, and was convicted in 2004 on five counts of murder and one count of attempted murder.


French Senate Hosts another anti-Israel Event

The French Senate will host BDS actors at a symposium, in direct contravention to a French Supreme Court decision that dictates that calls to boycott are illegal


Sweden's "Special Envoy" to NGOs

Sweden's new envoy to the Arab-Israeli conflict will become another vehicle for counterproductive funding for fringe NGOs.