
Letter to MEPs Concerning PFLP Event at the European Parliament

On September 26, 2017, an event will take place the European Parliament in Brussels featuring Leila Khaled, member of the PFLP terrorist group as well as a speaker from Addameer, a PFLP affiliated NGO. The event is further organized by Unadikum, an NGO that participated in a gala to raise funds for a PFLP affiliated group in Gaza.


Another UN Agency Issues “50 Year” Campaign Report

UNCTAD's latest report, while published by a UN body that is supposed to focus on trade, investment, and development, instead is part of a Palestinian and UN-initiated propaganda campaign to demonize Israel. The report relies on non-credible source material, and ignores material economic factors, resulting in a publication that fails to issue any conclusions that would actually lead to development and peace in the region.


EU Heads of Mission Condemnation of Israeli Policy in E. Jerusalem and NGO Campaigns

Palestinian residents often refuse to pay rent on Jewish-owned homes for political purposes, and sometimes are encouraged to so by activists with little concern for the consequences to those who then go through lengthy legal proceeding and can be evicted. Israeli High Court of Justice ruled that the family be given 18 months to leave prior to the eviction and the eviction finally took place on September 5, 2017.


Save the Children’s Renewed anti-Israel Campaign

Between July 2015 and August 2017, Save the Children did not issue any statements relating to Israel, and it had not initiated a campaign focusing on Israel since May 2016. Since mid-August, however, Save the Children has resumed its campaign against Israel.


Amnesty’s 50 Years Publication: Four Outrageous Distortions

Amnesty International posted an article on their website to mark “50 years since Israel issued Military Order 101,” claiming that the law “punishes Palestinians for peaceful political expression.” Amnesty’s analysis of “four facts” grossly manipulates and misrepresents the law and is typical of the NGO’s disproportionate singling out of Israel for condemnation.


NGO Monitor’s Review of Trócaire’s “This Is Palestine” Documentary

Trócaire and producer John McColgan released a 50-minute documentary that claims to explore “the impact of ongoing conflict and military occupation on the people who live there.” The documentary promotes a one-sided Palestinian narrative and features interviews with officials from political NGOs, as well as with Haaretz columnist Gideon Levy. Israeli MFA spokesperson Emmanuel Nahshon also appears sporadically as an artificial form of “balance.”


Sarah Leah Whitson’s Jewish Problem Appears Again at Human Rights Watch

Human Rights Watch published a press release in which Sarah Leah Whitson, Director of HRW's Middle East and North Africa Division, attacks Israel with a stream of false claims and demonization. The attempt to portray the situation as Jew versus Palestinian is wrong and reflects an on-going attempt by Whitson to manufacture claims of discrimination.


The EU’s Self-congratulating “External” NGO Evaluation

The EIDHR allocates EU funds to civil society organizations that "promote democracy and human rights in third countries." A recent EIDHR evaluation that seeks to identify areas for improvement fails to fulfill its mandate of independently assessing the instrument's effectiveness by primarily consulting with a narrow segment of stakeholders, most of which have an obvious vested interest.