
So you can’t go to jail for throwing stones in Canada, eh?

On April 26, 2018, Defense for Children International – Palestine’s (DCI-P) International Advocacy Officer Brad Parker spoke in Ottawa. Alongside UN Special Rapporteur Michael Lynk and leader of the Green Party of Canada Elizabeth May, the event “Rights under Endless Occupation: Israel/Palestine Discussion,” was hosted by the Mennonite Central Committee and the United Church of Canada. Parker’s presentation repeated the false claims and methodological flaws that are typical of DCI-P’s advocacy and reports


Human Rights Watch finds another pretext to threaten Israel with ICC prosecution

In advance of a High Court hearing on April 25 about a demolition order against a Palestinian school in Area C of the West Bank, Human Rights Watch (HRW) issued a statement accusing Israel of “the war crime of wanton destruction and forcible transfer” and recommending that the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court “examine the school demolitions.”


NGO Statements and Campaigns on Gaza Border Violence

Following the “March of Return” protests that took place along Gaza’s border with Israel on March 30, 2018, numerous human rights non-governmental organizations (NGOs) took to social media to condemn Israel – neglecting the context and role that terrorist organizations like Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) played in organizing the event.


The Washington Post Gets Its “Facts” from Terror-Linked NGOs

That journalists rely uncritically on non-governmental organizations, especially in the context of the Arab-Israeli conflict, is well established. Legal and factual claims by groups that purport to promote human rights are often treated as automatically credible, while their political biases, lack of methodology, and even ties to terror organizations are ignored.


NGO Activists – Including Amnesty International – Members of Facebook Group Rife with Antisemitism and Holocaust Denial

On March 6, 2018, British journalist David Collier exposed a virulently antisemitic Facebook group, “Palestine Live,” who members have included politicians, journalists, and activists from prominent human rights non-governmental organizations. These NGOs include Amnesty International, Medical Aid for Palestinians, and Jewish Voice for Peace. It is likely that as more information on this group is made public, additional NGO activists will be identified.


NGO Superpowers Ignore Boko Haram Kidnapping of 110 Schoolgirls

According to the self-proclaimed leading human rights non-governmental organizations (NGOs) Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, Ahed Tamimi is a more serious human rights concern than 110 schoolgirls kidnapped by a terrorist organization.