
Letter to Airbnb Re. "Listings in Disputed Regions"

On November 20, following Airbnb's announcement that it was "removing listings" in "Israeli settlements in the Occupied West Bank," NGO Monitor sent a letter to the company, asking it to clarify key aspects of its new policy.


UN and Government Officials Attend Antisemitic “Artwork” Display in Khan al-Ahmar

On August 2, 2018, a number of UN and European government officials attended an event hosted by the PA’s “Colonization and Wall Resistance Commission" that included a virulently antisemitic artwork display in the Area C encampment of Khan al-Ahmar. The failure of the government and UN officials to vigorously and publically condemn this incident stands in sharp contrast to claimed human rights agendas.


French Funded Propaganda Film Exploits Palestinian Youth

In August 2018, the Platform of French NGOs for Palestine (PFP), a French funded anti-Israeli NGO, published a documentary titled “No Kidding, Games under control" that erases any notion of Israeli security concerns, including the context of violence and terrorism, and instead disseminates multiple unverified claims.
