
ECFR Indifferent to Differentiation When it Comes to Corporate Donors

On December 10, 2019, based on research by Professor Eugene Kontorovich and the Kohelet Policy Forum, the Jerusalem Post published an expose on donations to the European Council for Foreign Relations (ECFR) from companies operating in settlements. ECFR has been one of the leading BDS advocates in Europe under the guise of a so-called “differentiation” policy.


BDS Activist to be Awarded Prize at Belgian Holocaust Memorial

On December 12, 2019, the Belgian Catholic NGO Pax Christi Vlaanderen (Flanders) will award its “ambassador for peace” prize to Brigitte Herremans, a leading anti-Israel activist and former employee of the BDS-supporting organization Broederlijk Delen. The event is scheduled to be held at Kazerne Dossin “a transit camp from which Belgian Jews and Romani were sent to concentration camps during the Holocaust.” The selection of this venue draws a false equivalence between Nazi war crimes and Israeli policy, a violation of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) working definition of antisemitism.


Season 2, Episode 9: Corbyn, Civil Society, and Antisemitism

As allegations of antisemitism continue to swirl around Jeremy Corbyn and his Labour Party, British voters head to the polls. What is the role of NGOs in this discussion? How did the UK's adoption of the IHRA definition of antisemitism effect antisemitism in the UK? How can implementing IHRA lead to change? On this week's episode our host Yona Schifmiller sits down with NGO Monitor Founder and President Prof. Gerald Steinberg to discuss these issues


Season 2, Episode 8: Gaza Kids Betrayed by International NGOs

Last week was Universal Children's Day, a day to promote the rights of children around the globe. But are human rights groups actually protecting the rights of all children? Why is the Swedish government partnering with an Islamic Jihad-run kindergarten? On this week's episode, our host Yona Schiffmiller and expert Shaun Sacks uncover the abuse of children by NGOs active in the Arab-Israeli conflict.


HRW’s Failed #WhoisNext Social Media Campaign

In the ten days leading up to Shakir’s departure, HRW launched a social media campaign under the hashtag “#WhoIsNext.” The campaign attempted to make a slippery slope argument, that if Shakir is deported, many other activists would be at risk. In reality, Israel has a vibrant and diverse civil society made up of thousands of NGOs. As the Supreme Court found, Shakir, specifically, met the criteria in the Israeli law.


Season 2, Episode 7: Human Rights Watch v. The State of Israel

On November 5, the Israeli Supreme Court rejected Human Rights Watch's demand that Israel renew “Israel/Palestine Director” Omar Shakir’s work visa- acknowledging his BDS activism. How did the court come to this decision? What was NGO Monitor’s role in the case? Join our host Yona Schiffmiller, Legal expert Anne Herzberg, and Researcher Ariella Esterson as they explain this story.


NGOs Blame Israel for Islamic Jihad Rocket

On November 12, Palestinian Islamic Jihad launched hundreds of rockets at Israeli population centers.  According to media reports, one of these projectiles misfired, hitting a Gaza building that houses the office of the Palestinian Independent Commission for Human Rights (ICHR). However, several international and Palestinian non-governmental organizations (NGOs) immediately blamed Israel for the attack, providing no evidence for their claims. 


Season 2, Episode 5: I is for Intifada, J is for JVP

A children's book, P is for Palestine, recently brought heated debate to a small town in central New Jersey. We looked into the event and found that a much larger well funded campaign was behind this conflict. Who was involved? What was the role of these groups? Who is funding them? Tune into this week's episode with our host Yona Schiffmiller and guest Rena Young
