
NGO Monitor Letter to Belgian Foreign Minister Regarding Brad Parker at the UN Security Council

In February 2020, Belgium invited invited Defense for Children International-Palestine (DCI-P) Senior Advisor for Policy and Advocacy Brad Parker to brief the Council on February 24. DCI-P has ties to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), designated as a terrorist organization in the US, EU, Israel, and Canada.


Season 2, Episode 14: Prof. Steinberg's take on the Deal of the Century

Last week, President Trump released the Deal of the Century, his peace plan between the Israelis and Palestinians. Is it a realistic plan? What does Israel's treaty with Egypt teach us about negotiations with the Palestinians? How have NGOs framed the conflict and initiatives to solve it? Tune in to this week's episode with our host Yona Shiffmiller and NGO Monitor President Prof. Gerald Steinberg.


Season 2, Episode 13: Does the ICC have jurisdiction to take Israel to court?

The Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court recently announced that she intends to investigate alleged war crimes in the “State of Palestine.” Does she have jurisdiction over alleged crimes in the West Bank and Gaza? How is she defining the territory of a Palestinian state? Join our host Yona Schiffmiller and Legal Advisor Anne Herzberg as they answer these questions.


Human Rights Watch Hypocrisy on Settlements

According to Law professor Eugene Kontorovich, Whitson is an active supporter of groups that support Armenian settlements in the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan, while pursuing rabid campaigns against Jewish communities in the West Bank. This promotion of Armenian settlement products and groups directly contradicts HRW’s assertions regarding Israel.


Season 2, Episode 11: US Special Envoy Elan Carr on Antisemitism

In the last few months we have seen an uptick in antisemitic attacks. What is driving antisemitism in 2020? How is the international community responding? Why are human rights groups silent in the face of these threats? Tune in this week as US Special Envoy Elan Carr discusses these issues at NGO Monitor's Annual Conference and our host Yona Schiffmiller and Rena Young delve into the issue.
