
Season 2, Episode 18: Even COVID19 Doesn't Stop the Israel Bashers

Even during a global pandemic, blind criticism of Israel continues to be the strategy of choice for many NGOs. NGO Monitor is maintaining a running digest of absurd NGO statements regarding COVID-19, including comparing Israeli policy to the virus. Join our host Yona Schiffmiller and Managing Editor Becca Wertman as they discuss how far these NGOs have gone to push their message.


Season 2, Episode 17: Calling out the ICC's Baseless Standards

In December 2019, the International Criminal Court's prosecutor announced that she had sufficient evidence to begin a formal investigation of war crimes committed in the West Bank and Gaza. This week NGO Monitor and our partners submitted an amicus to the court highlighting the inaccuracies and shortcomings of her arguments. Join our host Yona Schiffmiller and NGO Monitor Legal Advisor Anne Herzberg as they discuss this issue.


Season 2, Episode 16: Human Rights Watch Caught Red Handed

A recent news article uncovered a massive conflict of interest at Human Rights Watch. Director Ken Roth solicited money from a human rights violating Saudi businessman. One of the funding conditions was that the funds would not be used to promote gay rights. Listen along as our President Prof. Gerald Steinberg and host Yona Schiffmiller discuss the long list of HRW scandals from Qaddaffi to tainted Saudi money.


Human Rights Council Continues Gaslighting on Gaza

On February 25, 2020, the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the bureaucratic arm of the Human Rights Council, presented an update on the 2019 Commission of Inquiry into the violence along the Israel-Gaza border. As with previous UN pseudo-investigations on Israel, this COI ignored legal standards and readily and publicly available information to accuse Israel of “war crimes” and other violations. The 2020 update continued to promote this false narrative and the biased HRC agenda.


UNESCO Affiliate at An-Najah University Honors Terrorists

In August 2018, An-Najah University in Nablus held a ceremony to recognize 61 prisoners incarcerated in Israel’s Nafha Prison who had completed a course in international law and human rights. According to the university, the ceremony was organized by the UNESCO Chair on Human Rights and Democracy and Peace at An-Najah, in cooperation with Fatah


Belgium Reverses Invitation of DCI-P Official for UN Security Council Briefing – Background on Speaker and DCI-P’s PFLP Ties

In February 2020, Belgium invited invited Defense for Children International-Palestine (DCI-P) Senior Advisor for Policy and Advocacy Brad Parker to brief the Council on February 24. DCI-P has ties to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), designated as a terrorist organization in the US, EU, Israel, and Canada.
