Belgian-funded UPJB hosts event on “the cage of Gaza”
The Union des Progressistes Juifs de Belgique (UPJB) is a Jewish organization based in Belgium that regularly engages in politicized activities, including supporting BDS campaigns against Israel. On March 3, UPJB will host an event featuring two members of the politicized French organization UNION JUIVE FRANCAISE POUR LA PAIX, Sarah Katz and Pierre Stambul, to present their book “chroniques de Gaza, mai/ juin 2016” (chronicles of Gaza, May/ June 2016) and “describe the cage of Gaza using pictures.”
In the description of the event, Gaza is characterized as “a cage buckled on the floor…Gaza is a laboratory where every two-three years the Israeli occupant experiments the most sophisticated weapons against a disarmed population.”
Terrorism and other violence emanating from Gaza are erased: “Gaza is regularly defamed as terrorists, fundamentalists. Defamed by those who have committed numerous war crimes and crimes against humanity. Yet, in Gaza, they resist peacefully… they discuss politics in the wider diversity” (emphasis added).
UPJB has received Belgian government funding (through the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles) every year since 2003. Funding includes €80,000 each year from 2012-2015 for its “Permanent Education and Youth” and “General Affaires/ Cultural Centers” projects.