Israeli NGO Funding Database- Annual Reports
This system was developed independently by NGO Monitor, and presents all contributions reported by Israeli NGOs that claim to advance human rights and are politically active in the Arab-Israeli conflict. It provides decision makers, journalists, and the Israeli public with NGO funding data – both governmental and private – in an accessible and user-friendly manner. The database includes available information through 2019.
All of the details on the grants were taken directly from publicly available submissions to the Israeli Registrar of Non-Profits (Rasham Amutot, a department of the Ministry of Justice), and no changes were made to the sums. In order to create an accessible and understandable database, NGO Monitor corrected typos and other spelling mistakes, and adjusted some entries to establish uniformity in naming conventions.
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NGO | Year | Donor | Origin of Funds | Government | Church | Grant Amount | Comments |
972 Magazine | 2012 | Hakdesh Philanthropy Collective | Private | No | No | 11,647 | (Source: donations report above 20K) |
972 Magazine | 2012 | Heinrich Böll Foundation | Germany | Yes | No | 30,000 | (Source: donations report above 20K) |
972 Magazine | 2012 | Heinrich Böll Foundation | Germany | Yes | No | 30,000 | (Source: donations report above 20K) |
972 Magazine | 2012 | Institute of International Education | United Nations | Yes | No | 14,932 | via Social Justice Fund ((Source: donations report above 20K)) |
972 Magazine | 2012 | Moriah Fund | Private | No | No | 37,330 | (Source: donations report above 20K) |
972 Magazine | 2012 | Social Justice Fund | Private | No | No | 223,980 | (Source: donations report above 20K) |
972 Magazine | 2013 | Heinrich Böll Foundation | Germany | Yes | No | 48,000 | (Source: donations report above 20K) |
972 Magazine | 2013 | Moriah Fund | Private | No | No | 72,512 | via NIF ((Source: donations report above 20K)) |
972 Magazine | 2013 | Rockefeller Brothers Fund | Private | No | No | 111,990 | (Source: donations report above 20K) |
972 Magazine | 2013 | New Israel Fund | Private | No | No | 32,756 | (Source: donations report above 20K) |
972 Magazine | 2014 | Heinrich Böll Foundation | Germany | Yes | No | 57,400 | (Source: donations report above 20K) |
972 Magazine | 2014 | Just Vision | Private | No | No | 261,449 | (Source: donations report above 20K) |
972 Magazine | 2014 | Paul Graham | Private | No | No | 34,109 | (Source: donations report above 20K) |
972 Magazine | 2014 | Rockefeller Brothers Fund | Private | No | No | 174,450 | (Source: donations report above 20K) |
972 Magazine | 2014 | New Israel Fund | Private | No | No | 68,319 | For Moriah Fund ((Source: donations report above 20K)) |
972 Magazine | 2014 | New Israel Fund | Private | No | No | 64,695 | For different donors ((Source: donations report above 20K)) |
ACRI | 2012 | Aktion Hoffnung | Private | No | Yes | 8,276 | |
ACRI | 2012 | Aktion Hoffnung | Private | No | Yes | 20,641 | |
ACRI | 2012 | Arnow Family Fund | Private | No | No | 278,818 | |
ACRI | 2012 | Blaustein Foundation | Private | No | No | 95,798 | |
ACRI | 2012 | Christian Aid | United Kingdom | Yes | Yes | 172,068 | |
ACRI | 2012 | Diakonia | Sweden | Yes | Yes | 409,873 | |
ACRI | 2012 | Donations and Events Income | Private | No | No | 766,362 | |
ACRI | 2012 | EED | Germany | Yes | Yes | 687,192 | |
ACRI | 2012 | Embassy - Netherlands | Netherlands | Yes | No | 112,726 | |
ACRI | 2012 | Embassy - Norway | Norway | Yes | No | 1,026,958 | |
ACRI | 2012 | England Family Foundation | Private | No | No | 37,750 | |
ACRI | 2012 | European Union | European Union | Yes | No | 729,137 | |
ACRI | 2012 | Foreign and Commonwealth Office - UK | United Kingdom | Yes | No | 27,388 | |
ACRI | 2012 | Foundation for Middle East Peace | Private | No | No | 20,035 | |
ACRI | 2012 | Kerk in Actie | Netherlands | Yes | Yes | 202,596 | |
ACRI | 2012 | Moriah Fund | Private | No | No | 418,088 | |
ACRI | 2012 | Neil Kitchener | Private | No | No | 132,532 | |
ACRI | 2012 | NGO Development Center (NDC) | Sweden, Netherland, Denmark, Switzerland | Yes | No | 390,972 | |
ACRI | 2012 | North American Fund | Private | No | No | 576,561 | |
ACRI | 2012 | Open Society Institute | Private | No | No | 99,383 | |
ACRI | 2012 | Other donations from abroad | Private | No | No | 125,357 | |
ACRI | 2012 | Oxfam - GB | United Kingdom | Yes | No | 22,914 | |
ACRI | 2012 | Revson Foundation | Private | No | No | 61,960 | |
ACRI | 2012 | Rozenzweig Coopersmith Foundation | Private | No | No | 119,985 | |
ACRI | 2012 | Samuel Sebba Charitable Trust | Private | No | No | 390,000 | |
ACRI | 2012 | Sigrid Rausing Trust | Private | No | No | 572,200 | |
ACRI | 2012 | Skhol Foundation | Private | No | No | 685,621 | |
ACRI | 2012 | Social Justice Fund | Private | No | No | 394,380 | |
ACRI | 2012 | New Israel Fund | Private | No | No | 1,720,019 | |
ACRI | 2012 | War Child Foundation | Netherlands | Yes | No | 15,500 | |
ACRI | 2013 | American Council of Young Political Leaders | United States | Yes | No | 10,686 | |
ACRI | 2013 | Argenterius | Missing / Unclear | No | No | 139,850 | |
ACRI | 2013 | Arnow Family Fund | Private | No | No | 380,850 | |
ACRI | 2013 | Blaustein Foundation | Private | No | No | 85,399 | |
ACRI | 2013 | Christian Aid | United Kingdom | Yes | Yes | 165,289 | |
ACRI | 2013 | Diakonia | Sweden | Yes | Yes | 274,210 | |
ACRI | 2013 | Donations and Events Income | Private | No | No | 722,346 | |
ACRI | 2013 | EED | Germany | Yes | Yes | 882,121 | |
ACRI | 2013 | Embassy - Norway | Norway | Yes | No | 972,763 | |
ACRI | 2013 | Embassy - UK | United Kingdom | Yes | No | 47,245 | |
ACRI | 2013 | England Family Foundation | Private | No | No | 73,740 | |
ACRI | 2013 | European Union | European Union | Yes | No | 676,302 | |
ACRI | 2013 | HEKS EPER | Switzerland | Yes | Yes | 38,156 | |
ACRI | 2013 | Israeli Children Amutah | Private | No | No | 133,402 | Israeli Association merged in 2013 with ACRI |
ACRI | 2013 | The Middle East Partnership Initiative | United States | Yes | No | 136,304 | |
ACRI | 2013 | Foundation for Middle East Peace | Private | No | No | 17,970 | |
ACRI | 2013 | Moriah Fund | Private | No | No | 480,659 | |
ACRI | 2013 | Neil Kitchener | Private | No | No | 84,055 | |
ACRI | 2013 | NGO Development Center (NDC) | Sweden, Netherland, Denmark, Switzerland | Yes | No | 253,876 | |
ACRI | 2013 | North American Fund | Private | No | No | 512,252 | |
ACRI | 2013 | Open Society Institute | Private | No | No | 99,380 | |
ACRI | 2013 | Other donations from abroad | Private | No | No | 381,530 | |
ACRI | 2013 | Oxfam | Missing / Unclear | Yes | No | 50,840 | |
ACRI | 2013 | Revson Foundation | Private | No | No | 48,758 | |
ACRI | 2013 | Rosa Luxemburg Foundation | Germany | Yes | No | 71,327 | |
ACRI | 2013 | Rozenzweig Coopersmith Foundation | Private | No | No | 156,579 | |
ACRI | 2013 | Samuel Sebba Charitable Trust | Private | No | No | 374,240 | |
ACRI | 2013 | Shatil | Private | No | No | 13,530 | |
ACRI | 2013 | Sigrid Rausing Trust | Private | No | No | 593,660 | |
ACRI | 2013 | Social Justice Fund | Private | No | No | 442,180 | |
ACRI | 2013 | The International Organization for Education | Missing / Unclear | No | No | 26,856 | |
ACRI | 2013 | New Israel Fund | Private | No | No | 1,716,686 | |
ACRI | 2013 | War Child Foundation | Netherlands | Yes | No | 121,226 | |
ACRI | 2014 | Aktion Hoffnung | Private | No | Yes | 28,823 | |
ACRI | 2014 | Bread for the World | Germany | Yes | Yes | 916,790 | |
ACRI | 2014 | Christian Aid | United Kingdom | Yes | Yes | 164,578 | |
ACRI | 2014 | Diakonia | Sweden | Yes | Yes | 235,956 | |
ACRI | 2014 | Embassy - Norway | Norway | Yes | No | 863,031 | |
ACRI | 2014 | Embassy - UK | United Kingdom | Yes | No | 48,090 | |
ACRI | 2014 | England Family Foundation | Private | No | No | 68,319 | |
ACRI | 2014 | European Union | European Union | Yes | No | 1,323,804 | |
ACRI | 2014 | Goldberg Fund | Private | No | No | 5,740 | |
ACRI | 2014 | IFA – Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations | Germany | Yes | No | 209,203 | |
ACRI | 2014 | Israeli Children Amutah | Private | No | No | 101,880 | Israeli Association merged in 2013 with 2 |
ACRI | 2014 | The Middle East Partnership Initiative | United States | Yes | No | 180,949 | |
ACRI | 2014 | Moriah Fund | Private | No | No | 630,658 | |
ACRI | 2014 | Open Society Institute | Private | No | No | 106,344 | |
ACRI | 2014 | Others from abroad | Private | No | No | 431,359 | |
ACRI | 2014 | Oxfam | Missing / Unclear | Yes | No | 36,229 | |
ACRI | 2014 | Revson Foundation | Private | No | No | 68,319 | |
ACRI | 2014 | Rozenzweig Coopersmith Foundation | Private | No | No | 87,113 | |
ACRI | 2014 | Samuel Sebba Charitable Trust | Private | No | No | 300,000 | |
ACRI | 2014 | Sigrid Rausing Trust | Private | No | No | 518,785 | |
ACRI | 2014 | New Israel Fund | Private | No | No | 1,628,134 | |
ACRI | 2014 | United Nations | United Nations | Yes | No | 16,900 | With The Hotline for Refugees and Migrants |
Adalah | 2012 | ACSUR | Spain | Yes | No | 148,316 | |
Adalah | 2012 | Broederlijk Delen | Belgium | Yes | Yes | 220,729 | |
Adalah | 2012 | Christian Aid | United Kingdom | Yes | Yes | 193,640 | |
Adalah | 2012 | EED | Germany | Yes | Yes | 474,621 | |
Adalah | 2012 | EuroMed | European Union | Yes | No | 26,712 | |
Adalah | 2012 | European Union | European Union | Yes | No | 244,046 | |
Adalah | 2012 | Ford Foundation | Private | No | No | 383,560 | |
Adalah | 2012 | Medico International | Germany | Yes | No | 30,809 | |
Adalah | 2012 | MFA - Switzerland | Switzerland | Yes | No | 204,290 | |
Adalah | 2012 | NGO Development Center (NDC) | Sweden, Netherland, Denmark, Switzerland | Yes | No | 197,793 | |
Adalah | 2012 | Open Society Institute | Private | No | No | 766,003 | |
Adalah | 2012 | Open Society Institute | Private | No | No | 46,874 | |
Adalah | 2012 | Oxfam - Novib | Netherlands | Yes | No | 1,337,430 | |
Adalah | 2012 | Sigrid Rausing Trust | Private | No | No | 348,745 | |
Adalah | 2012 | New Israel Fund | Private | No | No | 428,419 | |
Adalah | 2012 | UNDP | United Nations | Yes | No | 219,975 | |
Adalah | 2013 | Broederlijk Delen | Belgium | Yes | Yes | 214,017 | |
Adalah | 2013 | Christian Aid | United Kingdom | Yes | Yes | 229,158 | |
Adalah | 2013 | EED | Germany | Yes | Yes | 502,654 | |
Adalah | 2013 | EuroMed | European Union | Yes | No | 12,700 | |
Adalah | 2013 | European Union | European Union | Yes | No | 366,150 | |
Adalah | 2013 | Ford Foundation | Private | No | No | 267,120 | |
Adalah | 2013 | Medico International | Germany | Yes | No | 65,242 | |
Adalah | 2013 | MFA - Switzerland | Switzerland | Yes | No | 211,797 | |
Adalah | 2013 | NGO Development Center (NDC) | Sweden, Netherland, Denmark, Switzerland | Yes | No | 67,834 | |
Adalah | 2013 | Open Society Institute | Private | No | No | 737,400 | |
Adalah | 2013 | Open Society Institute | Private | No | No | 110,119 | |
Adalah | 2013 | Oxfam - Novib | Netherlands | Yes | No | 1,180,758 | |
Adalah | 2013 | Sigrid Rausing Trust | Private | No | No | 350,373 | |
Adalah | 2013 | New Israel Fund | Private | No | No | 421,004 | |
Adalah | 2013 | UNDP | United Nations | Yes | No | 274,599 | |
Adalah | 2014 | Bread for the World | Germany | Yes | Yes | 453,109 | |
Adalah | 2014 | Broederlijk Delen | Belgium | Yes | Yes | 233,251 | |
Adalah | 2014 | Christian Aid | United Kingdom | Yes | Yes | 213,399 | |
Adalah | 2014 | EuroMed | European Union | Yes | No | 4,393 | |
Adalah | 2014 | European Union | European Union | Yes | No | 698,004 | |
Adalah | 2014 | Ford Foundation | Private | No | No | 419,760 | |
Adalah | 2014 | Human Rights Fund | Private | No | No | 208,470 | |
Adalah | 2014 | Medico International | Germany | Yes | No | 47,796 | |
Adalah | 2014 | MFA - Switzerland | Switzerland | Yes | No | 67,952 | |
Adalah | 2014 | Open Society Institute | Private | No | No | 906,200 | |
Adalah | 2014 | Oxfam - Novib | Netherlands | Yes | No | 960,783 | |
Adalah | 2014 | Rockefeller Brothers Fund | Private | No | No | 63,573 | |
Adalah | 2014 | Sigrid Rausing Trust | Private | No | No | 352,578 | |
Adalah | 2014 | New Israel Fund | Private | No | No | 434,772 | |
Adalah | 2014 | UNDP | United Nations | Yes | No | 76,675 | |
Bimkom | 2012 | Blaustein Foundation | Private | No | No | 371,925 | |
Bimkom | 2012 | Coalition for Affordable Housing | Private | No | No | 78,234 | |
Bimkom | 2012 | Embassy - Ireland | Ireland | Yes | No | 305,000 | |
Bimkom | 2012 | European Commission | European Union | Yes | No | 573,015 | |
Bimkom | 2012 | Ford Foundation | Private | No | No | 274,620 | |
Bimkom | 2012 | George and Bella Savran | Private | No | No | 40,290 | |
Bimkom | 2012 | Moriah Fund | Private | No | No | 153,406 | |
Bimkom | 2012 | NGO Development Center (NDC) | Sweden, Netherland, Denmark, Switzerland | Yes | No | 770,367 | |
Bimkom | 2012 | Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) | Multiple Governments | Yes | No | 204,295 | |
Bimkom | 2012 | Oxfam - Novib | Netherlands | Yes | No | 498,567 | |
Bimkom | 2012 | Signing Anew | Private | No | No | 37,850 | |
Bimkom | 2012 | New Israel Fund | Private | No | No | 156,976 | |
Bimkom | 2012 | UN Habitat | United Nations | Yes | No | 385,874 | |
Bimkom | 2013 | Blaustein Foundation | Private | No | No | 274,125 | |
Bimkom | 2013 | Coalition for Affordable Housing | Private | No | No | 54,400 | |
Bimkom | 2013 | Embassy - France | France | Yes | No | 38,095 | |
Bimkom | 2013 | Embassy - Ireland | Ireland | Yes | No | 318,597 | |
Bimkom | 2013 | Embassy - Netherlands | Netherlands | Yes | No | 24,112 | |
Bimkom | 2013 | Embassy - UK | United Kingdom | Yes | No | 93,731 | |
Bimkom | 2013 | European Commission | European Union | Yes | No | 571,735 | |
Bimkom | 2013 | Ford Foundation | Private | No | No | 270,443 | |
Bimkom | 2013 | Ford Foundation | Private | No | No | 18,355 | |
Bimkom | 2013 | George and Bella Savran | Private | No | No | 69,100 | |
Bimkom | 2013 | Gimprich Family Foundation | Private | No | No | 36,830 | |
Bimkom | 2013 | GIZ | Germany | Yes | No | 170,920 | |
Bimkom | 2013 | Heinrich Böll Foundation | Germany | Yes | No | 39,600 | |
Bimkom | 2013 | Kathryn Ames Foundation | Private | No | No | 46,303 | |
Bimkom | 2013 | Moriah Fund | Private | No | No | 142,004 | |
Bimkom | 2013 | NGO Development Center (NDC) | Sweden, Netherland, Denmark, Switzerland | Yes | No | 363,774 | |
Bimkom | 2013 | Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) | Multiple Governments | Yes | No | 244,971 | |
Bimkom | 2013 | Oxfam - Novib | Netherlands | Yes | No | 396,876 | |
Bimkom | 2013 | Rayne Foundation | Private | No | No | 38,264 | |
Bimkom | 2013 | New Israel Fund | Private | No | No | 118,144 | |
Bimkom | 2013 | UN Habitat | Belgium | Yes | No | 166,306 | |
Bimkom | 2013 | UN Habitat | European Union | Yes | No | 531,905 | |
Bimkom | 2014 | AECID – Spanish International Development Cooperation | Spain | Yes | No | 431,433 | |
Bimkom | 2014 | Embassy - Netherlands | Netherlands | Yes | No | 201,541 | |
Bimkom | 2014 | Embassy - Switzerland | Switzerland | Yes | No | 137,520 | |
Bimkom | 2014 | European Commission | European Union | Yes | No | 960,710 | |
Bimkom | 2014 | GIZ | Germany | Yes | No | 535,439 | |
Bimkom | 2014 | Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) | Multiple Governments | Yes | No | 178,839 | |
Bimkom | 2014 | HR-IHL Secretariat | Sweden, Netherland, Denmark, Switzerland | Yes | No | 314,619 | |
Bimkom | 2014 | UN Habitat | Belgium | Yes | No | 186,185 | |
Bimkom | 2014 | New Israel Fund | Private | No | No | 109,098 | |
Bimkom | 2014 | Moriah Fund | Private | No | No | 135,148 | |
Bimkom | 2014 | Embassy - Ireland | Ireland | Yes | No | 396,262 | |
Bimkom | 2014 | Oxfam - Novib | Netherlands | Yes | No | 568,126 | |
Bimkom | 2014 | UN Habitat | European Union | Yes | No | 116,787 | |
Bimkom | 2014 | Blaustein Foundation | Private | No | No | 258,582 | |
Bimkom | 2014 | Coalition for Affordable Housing | Private | No | No | 23,500 | |
Bimkom | 2014 | Kathryn Ames Foundation | Private | No | No | 24,287 | |
Bimkom | 2014 | Embassy - UK | United Kingdom | Yes | No | 50,079 | |
Bimkom | 2014 | George and Bella Savran | Private | No | No | 49,063 | |
Bimkom | 2014 | Others | Private | No | No | 1,862 | |
Breaking the Silence | 2012 | AECID – Spanish International Development Cooperation | Spain | Yes | No | 855,843 | |
Breaking the Silence | 2012 | Christian Aid | United Kingdom | Yes | Yes | 67,589 | |
Breaking the Silence | 2012 | Dan Church Aid | Denmark | Yes | Yes | 135,292 | |
Breaking the Silence | 2012 | Embassy - Norway | Norway | Yes | No | 148,315 | |
Breaking the Silence | 2012 | European Union Delegation | European Union | Yes | No | 562,526 | |
Breaking the Silence | 2012 | Ford Foundation | Private | No | No | 91,785 | |
Breaking the Silence | 2012 | ICCO | Netherlands | Yes | Yes | 153,541 | |
Breaking the Silence | 2012 | Misereor | Germany | Yes | Yes | 157,017 | |
Breaking the Silence | 2012 | Moriah Fund | Private | No | No | 133,029 | |
Breaking the Silence | 2012 | Network of Social Change | Private | No | No | 81,318 | |
Breaking the Silence | 2012 | NGO Development Center (NDC) | Sweden, Netherland, Denmark, Switzerland | Yes | No | 238,501 | |
Breaking the Silence | 2012 | Oxfam - GB | United Kingdom | Yes | No | 25,000 | |
Breaking the Silence | 2012 | Rabbis for Human Rights | Spain | Yes | No | 240,835 | Joint project with Rabbis for Human Rights |
Breaking the Silence | 2012 | New Israel Fund | Private | No | No | 84,915 | |
Breaking the Silence | 2012 | Trocaire | Ireland | Yes | Yes | 76,022 | |
Breaking the Silence | 2012 | UNICEF | United Nations | Yes | No | 110,900 | |
Breaking the Silence | 2013 | AECID – Spanish International Development Cooperation | Spain | Yes | No | 177,660 | With Rabbis for Human Rights |
Breaking the Silence | 2013 | Broederlijk Delen | Belgium | Yes | Yes | 270,024 | |
Breaking the Silence | 2013 | Dan Church Aid | Denmark | Yes | Yes | 125,594 | |
Breaking the Silence | 2013 | Embassy - Norway | Norway | Yes | No | 248,823 | |
Breaking the Silence | 2013 | European Union | European Union | Yes | No | 422,566 | |
Breaking the Silence | 2013 | Foundation for Middle East Peace | Private | No | No | 36,185 | |
Breaking the Silence | 2013 | Pro Victims Foundation | Private | No | No | 273,372 | |
Breaking the Silence | 2013 | ICCO | Netherlands | Yes | Yes | 147,325 | |
Breaking the Silence | 2013 | Juliane Heyman | Private | No | No | 27,718 | via NIF |
Breaking the Silence | 2013 | Macmillan Royalties | Private | No | No | 108,499 | |
Breaking the Silence | 2013 | Medico International | Germany | Yes | No | 50,673 | |
Breaking the Silence | 2013 | Misereor | Germany | Yes | Yes | 333,139 | |
Breaking the Silence | 2013 | Moriah Fund | Private | No | No | 121,268 | via NIF |
Breaking the Silence | 2013 | Open Society Institute | Private | No | No | 135,740 | |
Breaking the Silence | 2013 | Rockefeller Brothers Fund | Private | No | No | 155,980 | |
Breaking the Silence | 2013 | Sigrid Rausing Trust | Private | No | No | 157,150 | |
Breaking the Silence | 2013 | New Israel Fund | Private | No | No | 72,025 | |
Breaking the Silence | 2014 | AECID – Spanish International Development Cooperation | Spain | Yes | No | 293,424 | |
Breaking the Silence | 2014 | Broederlijk Delen | Belgium | Yes | Yes | 146,579 | |
Breaking the Silence | 2014 | CCFD | France | Yes | Yes | 47,258 | |
Breaking the Silence | 2014 | Dan Church Aid | Denmark | Yes | Yes | 160,753 | |
Breaking the Silence | 2014 | Embassy - Norway | Norway | Yes | No | 165,150 | |
Breaking the Silence | 2014 | European Union | European Union | Yes | No | 274,493 | |
Breaking the Silence | 2014 | Foundation for Middle East Peace | Private | No | No | 26,032 | |
Breaking the Silence | 2014 | Pro Victims Foundation | Private | No | No | 273,993 | |
Breaking the Silence | 2014 | ICCO | Netherlands | Yes | Yes | 150,337 | |
Breaking the Silence | 2014 | Medico International | Germany | Yes | No | 40,000 | |
Breaking the Silence | 2014 | Misereor | Germany | Yes | Yes | 468,539 | |
Breaking the Silence | 2014 | Moriah Fund | Private | No | No | 102,479 | |
Breaking the Silence | 2014 | NGO Development Center (NDC) | Multiple Governments | Yes | No | 47,169 | |
Breaking the Silence | 2014 | Open Society Institute | Private | No | No | 160,026 | |
Breaking the Silence | 2014 | Pell Family Foundation | Private | No | No | 34,500 | |
Breaking the Silence | 2014 | Rockefeller Brothers Fund | Private | No | No | 188,925 | |
Breaking the Silence | 2014 | HR-IHL Secretariat | Sweden, Netherland, Denmark, Switzerland | Yes | No | 382,953 | |
Breaking the Silence | 2014 | Sigrid Rausing Trust | Private | No | No | 287,580 | |
Breaking the Silence | 2014 | SIVMO | Private | No | No | 46,924 | |
Breaking the Silence | 2014 | New Israel Fund | Private | No | No | 138,752 | |
Breaking the Silence | 2014 | Trocaire | Ireland | Yes | Yes | 73,030 | |
B’Tselem | 2012 | Bequeathed by Prof. Amos Matan | Private | No | No | 240,650 | |
B’Tselem | 2012 | Catholic Relief Services | United States | Yes | Yes | 86,554 | |
B’Tselem | 2012 | Catholic Relief Services | United States | Yes | Yes | 58,140 | |
B’Tselem | 2012 | Catholic Relief Services | United States | Yes | Yes | 86,119 | |
B’Tselem | 2012 | Catholic Relief Services | United States | Yes | Yes | 84,976 | |
B’Tselem | 2012 | Catholic Relief Services | United States | Yes | Yes | 136,469 | |
B’Tselem | 2012 | Catholic Relief Services | United States | Yes | Yes | 61,433 | |
B’Tselem | 2012 | Christian Aid | United Kingdom | Yes | Yes | 198,361 | |
B’Tselem | 2012 | Dan Church Aid | Denmark | Yes | Yes | 6,132 | |
B’Tselem | 2012 | Dan Church Aid | Denmark | Yes | Yes | 489,500 | |
B’Tselem | 2012 | Dan Church Aid | Denmark | Yes | Yes | 294,338 | |
B’Tselem | 2012 | Dan Church Aid | Denmark | Yes | Yes | 58,340 | via Danida |
B’Tselem | 2012 | Deborah Pell | Private | No | No | 97,850 | |
B’Tselem | 2012 | Diakonia | Sweden | Yes | Yes | 149,147 | |
B’Tselem | 2012 | Diakonia | Sweden | Yes | Yes | 138,745 | |
B’Tselem | 2012 | EED | Germany | Yes | Yes | 742,718 | |
B’Tselem | 2012 | EED | Germany | Yes | Yes | 200,000 | |
B’Tselem | 2012 | Embassy - Norway | Norway | Yes | No | 1,040,312 | |
B’Tselem | 2012 | European Commission | European Union | Yes | No | 7,235 | |
B’Tselem | 2012 | European Commission | European Union | Yes | No | 310,333 | |
B’Tselem | 2012 | European Commission | European Union | Yes | No | 160,000 | |
B’Tselem | 2012 | Foreign and Commonwealth Office - UK | United Kingdom | Yes | No | 88,330 | |
B’Tselem | 2012 | Foundation for Middle East Peace | Private | No | No | 20,175 | |
B’Tselem | 2012 | George Waechter Memorial Foundation | Private | No | No | 20,361 | |
B’Tselem | 2012 | Harrison Family | Private | No | No | 29,505 | |
B’Tselem | 2012 | ICCO & Kerk in Actie | Netherlands | Yes | Yes | 245,290 | |
B’Tselem | 2012 | Moriah Fund | Private | No | No | 49,127 | |
B’Tselem | 2012 | Moriah Fund | Private | No | No | 45,892 | |
B’Tselem | 2012 | Naomi and Nehemiah Cohen Foundation | Private | No | No | 18,847 | |
B’Tselem | 2012 | NGO Development Center (NDC) | Sweden, Netherland, Denmark, Switzerland | Yes | No | 483,597 | |
B’Tselem | 2012 | NGO Development Center (NDC) | Sweden, Netherland, Denmark, Switzerland | Yes | No | 375,165 | |
B’Tselem | 2012 | Open Society Institute | Private | No | No | 151,047 | |
B’Tselem | 2012 | Open Society Institute | Private | No | No | 146,630 | |
B’Tselem | 2012 | Samuel Sebba Charitable Trust | Private | No | No | 60,000 | |
B’Tselem | 2012 | Samuel Sebba Charitable Trust | Private | No | No | 60,000 | |
B’Tselem | 2012 | Sigrid Rausing Trust | Private | No | No | 155,920 | |
B’Tselem | 2012 | Sigrid Rausing Trust | Private | No | No | 737,000 | |
B’Tselem | 2012 | Smiling Children (Womanity Foundation) | Private | No | No | 182,800 | |
B’Tselem | 2012 | Social Justice Fund | Private | No | No | 297,713 | |
B’Tselem | 2012 | Social Justice Fund | Private | No | No | 150,000 | |
B’Tselem | 2012 | Stichting Niks Voor Niks | Private | No | No | 50,169 | |
B’Tselem | 2012 | The Tauber Family Foundation | Private | No | No | 127,960 | |
B’Tselem | 2012 | Trocaire | Ireland | Yes | Yes | 224,938 | |
B’Tselem | 2012 | UNDP | United Nations | Yes | No | 156,560 | |
B’Tselem | 2012 | World Vision | United States | Yes | Yes | 39,323 | |
B’Tselem | 2012 | World Vision | United States | Yes | Yes | 14,283 | |
B’Tselem | 2013 | Bequeathed by Arnold Moses | Private | No | No | 114,000 | |
B’Tselem | 2013 | Bequest by ESTL – Philip David Jack | Private | No | No | 34,859 | |
B’Tselem | 2013 | Catholic Relief Services | United States | Yes | Yes | 69,683 | |
B’Tselem | 2013 | Catholic Relief Services | United States | Yes | Yes | 29,833 | |
B’Tselem | 2013 | Catholic Relief Services | United States | Yes | Yes | 69,439 | |
B’Tselem | 2013 | Catholic Relief Services | United States | Yes | Yes | 39,299 | |
B’Tselem | 2013 | Catholic Relief Services | United States | Yes | Yes | 21,573 | |
B’Tselem | 2013 | Catholic Relief Services | United States | Yes | Yes | 157,140 | |
B’Tselem | 2013 | Catholic Relief Services | United States | Yes | Yes | 61,204 | |
B’Tselem | 2013 | Catholic Relief Services | United States | Yes | Yes | 31,860 | |
B’Tselem | 2013 | Christian Aid | United Kingdom | Yes | Yes | 188,920 | |
B’Tselem | 2013 | Church of Scotland | Scotland | Yes | Yes | 17,490 | |
B’Tselem | 2013 | Consulate in Jerusalem - France | France | Yes | No | 47,619 | |
B’Tselem | 2013 | Dan Church Aid | Denmark | Yes | Yes | 87,854 | via Danida |
B’Tselem | 2013 | Dan Church Aid | Denmark | Yes | Yes | 201,302 | via Danida |
B’Tselem | 2013 | Dan Church Aid | European Union | Yes | Yes | 366,508 | via ECHO 2012/2013 |
B’Tselem | 2013 | Dan Church Aid | European Union | Yes | Yes | 76,564 | via ECHO 2013/2014 |
B’Tselem | 2013 | Diakonia | Sweden | Yes | Yes | 136,242 | |
B’Tselem | 2013 | Diakonia | Sweden | Yes | Yes | 135,390 | |
B’Tselem | 2013 | Bread for the World | Germany | Yes | Yes | 254,129 | |
B’Tselem | 2013 | Bread for the World | Germany | Yes | Yes | 269,802 | |
B’Tselem | 2013 | Bread for the World | Germany | Yes | Yes | 449,891 | Received in 2012 |
B’Tselem | 2013 | Bread for the World | Germany | Yes | Yes | 111,957 | |
B’Tselem | 2013 | Embassy - Norway | Norway | Yes | No | 946,477 | |
B’Tselem | 2013 | European Commission | European Union | Yes | No | 213,679 | |
B’Tselem | 2013 | European Commission | European Union | Yes | No | 10,287 | |
B’Tselem | 2013 | European Commission | European Union | Yes | No | 334,024 | |
B’Tselem | 2013 | Foreign and Commonwealth Office - UK | United Kingdom | Yes | No | 362,160 | |
B’Tselem | 2013 | George Waechter Memorial Foundation | Private | No | No | 19,087 | |
B’Tselem | 2013 | Moriah Fund | Private | No | No | 64,906 | |
B’Tselem | 2013 | Moriah Fund | Private | No | No | 59,403 | |
B’Tselem | 2013 | Naomi and Nehemiah Cohen Foundation | Private | No | No | 17,538 | |
B’Tselem | 2013 | NGO Development Center (NDC) | Sweden, Netherland, Denmark, Switzerland | Yes | No | 495,961 | |
B’Tselem | 2013 | NGO Development Center (NDC) | Sweden, Netherland, Denmark, Switzerland | Yes | No | 118,643 | |
B’Tselem | 2013 | Open Society Institute | Private | No | No | 280,612 | |
B’Tselem | 2013 | Pro Victims Foundation | Private | No | No | 238,140 | Recevied in 2012 |
B’Tselem | 2013 | Pro Victims Foundation | Private | No | No | 25,140 | |
B’Tselem | 2013 | Samuel Sebba Charitable Trust | Private | No | No | 60,000 | |
B’Tselem | 2013 | Samuel Sebba Charitable Trust | Private | No | No | 60,000 | |
B’Tselem | 2013 | Sigrid Rausing Trust | Private | No | No | 779,600 | |
B’Tselem | 2013 | Smiling Children | Private | No | No | 92,288 | |
B’Tselem | 2013 | Social Justice Fund | Private | No | No | 263,078 | |
B’Tselem | 2013 | Stichting Niks Voor Niks | Private | No | No | 48,709 | |
B’Tselem | 2013 | New Israel Fund | Private | No | No | 92,299 | |
B’Tselem | 2013 | Trocaire | Ireland | Yes | Yes | 143,568 | |
B’Tselem | 2013 | UNDP | United Nations | Yes | No | 153,463 | |
B’Tselem | 2013 | UNDP | United Nations | Yes | No | 162,795 | |
B’Tselem | 2013 | UNDP | United Nations | Yes | No | 202,189 | |
B’Tselem | 2013 | UNDP | United Nations | Yes | No | 198,911 | |
B’Tselem | 2013 | United Church of Christ | Private | No | Yes | 12,405 | |
B’Tselem | 2013 | United Church of Christ | Private | No | Yes | 12,911 | |
B’Tselem | 2013 | World Vision | United States | Yes | Yes | 70,351 | |
B’Tselem | 2014 | Aryeh and Betsy Stein | Private | No | No | 67,202 | |
B’Tselem | 2014 | Bread for the World | Germany | Yes | Yes | 286,637 | |
B’Tselem | 2014 | Bread for the World | Germany | Yes | Yes | 512,743 | |
B’Tselem | 2014 | Bread for the World | Germany | Yes | Yes | 70,844 | |
B’Tselem | 2014 | Bread for the World | Germany | Yes | Yes | 27,003 | |
B’Tselem | 2014 | Bread for the World | Germany | Yes | Yes | 556,941 | |
B’Tselem | 2014 | Bread for the World | Germany | Yes | Yes | 26,303 | |
B’Tselem | 2014 | B’tselem USA | Private | No | No | 211,405 | |
B’Tselem | 2014 | B’tselem USA | Private | No | No | 103,830 | |
B’Tselem | 2014 | B’tselem USA | Private | No | No | 113,250 | |
B’Tselem | 2014 | Catholic Relief Services | United States | Yes | Yes | 31,705 | |
B’Tselem | 2014 | Catholic Relief Services | United States | Yes | Yes | 32,804 | |
B’Tselem | 2014 | Catholic Relief Services | United States | Yes | Yes | 34,556 | |
B’Tselem | 2014 | Catholic Relief Services | United States | Yes | Yes | 32,840 | |
B’Tselem | 2014 | Catholic Relief Services | United States | Yes | Yes | 31,084 | |
B’Tselem | 2014 | Catholic Relief Services | United States | Yes | Yes | 27,761 | |
B’Tselem | 2014 | Catholic Relief Services | United States | Yes | Yes | 23,412 | |
B’Tselem | 2014 | Catholic Relief Services | United States | Yes | Yes | 30,878 | |
B’Tselem | 2014 | Catholic Relief Services | United States | Yes | Yes | 13,904 | |
B’Tselem | 2014 | Catholic Relief Services | United States | Yes | Yes | 25,448 | |
B’Tselem | 2014 | Catholic Relief Services | United States | Yes | Yes | 61,128 | |
B’Tselem | 2014 | Catholic Relief Services | United States | Yes | Yes | 24,216 | |
B’Tselem | 2014 | Christian Aid Ireland | Ireland | Yes | Yes | 187,564 | |
B’Tselem | 2014 | Church of Scotland | Scotland | Yes | Yes | 29,640 | |
B’Tselem | 2014 | Consulate in Jerusalem - France | France | Yes | No | 71,429 | |
B’Tselem | 2014 | Dan Church Aid | Denmark | Yes | Yes | 196,961 | Danida |
B’Tselem | 2014 | Dan Church Aid | Denmark | Yes | Yes | 34,348 | Global Humanitarian Assistance |
B’Tselem | 2014 | Dan Church Aid | Denmark | Yes | Yes | 90,159 | Danida |
B’Tselem | 2014 | Dan Church Aid | European Union | Yes | Yes | 321,715 | ECHO |
B’Tselem | 2014 | Dan Church Aid | European Union | Yes | Yes | 14,822 | ECHO |
B’Tselem | 2014 | Dan Church Aid | Denmark | Yes | Yes | 85,709 | Danida |
B’Tselem | 2014 | Diakonia | Sweden | Yes | Yes | 124,426 | |
B’Tselem | 2014 | Diakonia | Sweden | Yes | Yes | 128,503 | |
B’Tselem | 2014 | Embassy - Norway | Norway | Yes | No | 824,550 | |
B’Tselem | 2014 | Embassy - Norway | Norway | Yes | No | 232,763 | |
B’Tselem | 2014 | European Commission | European Union | Yes | No | 84,872 | |
B’Tselem | 2014 | Firedoll Foundation | Private | No | No | 35,482 | |
B’Tselem | 2014 | Gerhard Siedner | Private | No | No | 24,108 | |
B’Tselem | 2014 | Moriah Fund | Private | No | No | 119,558 | |
B’Tselem | 2014 | Naomi and Nehemiah Cohen Foundation | Private | No | No | 16,801 | |
B’Tselem | 2014 | Open Society Institute | Private | No | No | 263,364 | |
B’Tselem | 2014 | Oxfam - GB | United Kingdom | Yes | No | 26,163 | |
B’Tselem | 2014 | Pro Victims Foundation | Private | No | No | 193,150 | |
B’Tselem | 2014 | Pro Victims Foundation | Private | No | No | 257,764 | |
B’Tselem | 2014 | Pro Victims Foundation | Private | No | No | 6,800 | |
B’Tselem | 2014 | Samuel Sebba Charitable Trust | Private | No | No | 60,000 | |
B’Tselem | 2014 | Samuel Sebba Charitable Trust | Private | No | No | 40,000 | |
B’Tselem | 2014 | HR-IHL Secretariat | Sweden, Netherland, Denmark, Switzerland | Yes | No | 327,778 | |
B’Tselem | 2014 | HR-IHL Secretariat | Sweden, Netherland, Denmark, Switzerland | Yes | No | 358,140 | |
B’Tselem | 2014 | HR-IHL Secretariat | Sweden, Netherland, Denmark, Switzerland | Yes | No | 75,634 | |
B’Tselem | 2014 | HR-IHL Secretariat | Sweden, Netherland, Denmark, Switzerland | Yes | No | 165,464 | |
B’Tselem | 2014 | Sigrid Rausing Trust | Private | No | No | 858,360 | |
B’Tselem | 2014 | Sigrid Rausing Trust | Private | No | No | 115,251 | |
B’Tselem | 2014 | SIVMO | Private | No | No | 36,552 | |
B’Tselem | 2014 | Stichting Niks Voor Niks | Private | No | No | 48,098 | |
B’Tselem | 2014 | New Israel Fund | Private | No | No | 482,387 | |
B’Tselem | 2014 | Trocaire | Ireland | Yes | Yes | 72,111 | |
B’Tselem | 2014 | UNICEF | United Nations | Yes | No | 150,000 | |
B’Tselem | 2014 | UNICEF | United Nations | Yes | No | 150,958 | |
B’Tselem | 2014 | United Church of Christ | Private | No | Yes | 12,210 | |
B’Tselem | 2014 | United Church of Christ | Private | No | Yes | 12,533 | |
B’Tselem | 2014 | ZIVIK | Germany | Yes | No | 170,104 | |
B’Tselem | 2014 | ZIVIK | Germany | Yes | No | 172,397 | |
Coalition of Women for Peace | 2012 | Alliance for Global Justice | Private | No | No | 25,545 | |
Coalition of Women for Peace | 2012 | Bread for the World | Germany | Yes | Yes | 119,918 | |
Coalition of Women for Peace | 2012 | Diakonia | Sweden | Yes | Yes | 50,230 | |
Coalition of Women for Peace | 2012 | European Commission | European Union | Yes | No | 392,108 | |
Coalition of Women for Peace | 2012 | Hope and Justice | Missing / Unclear | No | No | 3,803 | Has Church partnerships |
Coalition of Women for Peace | 2012 | I for | Missing / Unclear | No | No | 5,794 | |
Coalition of Women for Peace | 2012 | ICCO | Netherlands | Yes | Yes | 294,984 | |
Coalition of Women for Peace | 2012 | Kvinna till Kvinna | Sweden | Yes | No | 123,284 | |
Coalition of Women for Peace | 2012 | Medico International | Germany | Yes | No | 49,951 | |
Coalition of Women for Peace | 2012 | Others | Private | No | No | 30,598 | |
Coalition of Women for Peace | 2012 | Oxfam - Novib | Netherlands | Yes | No | 348,203 | |
Coalition of Women for Peace | 2012 | SIVMO | Private | No | No | 18,161 | |
Coalition of Women for Peace | 2012 | The United Church of Canada | Canada | Yes | Yes | 77,463 | |
Coalition of Women for Peace | 2012 | Urgent Action Fund for Women’s Rights | United States | Yes | No | 19,491 | Other donors, including Moriah Fund |
Coalition of Women for Peace | 2013 | Alliance for Global Justice | Private | No | No | 43,625 | |
Coalition of Women for Peace | 2013 | American Friends Service Committee | Private | No | Yes | 17,541 | |
Coalition of Women for Peace | 2013 | Bread for the World | Germany | Yes | Yes | 119,877 | |
Coalition of Women for Peace | 2013 | EMHRF | Multiple Governments | Yes | No | 59,911 | |
Coalition of Women for Peace | 2013 | ICCO | Netherlands | Yes | Yes | 573,828 | |
Coalition of Women for Peace | 2013 | Kurve Wustrow | Germany | Yes | No | 56,622 | |
Coalition of Women for Peace | 2013 | Kvinna till Kvinna | Sweden | Yes | No | 77,606 | |
Coalition of Women for Peace | 2013 | Medico International | Germany | Yes | No | 47,080 | |
Coalition of Women for Peace | 2013 | NOVACT / NOVA | Spain | Yes | No | 246,781 | |
Coalition of Women for Peace | 2013 | Others | Private | No | No | 65,079 | |
Coalition of Women for Peace | 2013 | Oxfam - Novib | Netherlands | Yes | No | 402,498 | |
Coalition of Women for Peace | 2013 | SIVMO | Private | No | No | 6,824 | |
Coalition of Women for Peace | 2013 | The United Church of Canada | Canada | Yes | Yes | 35,152 | |
Coalition of Women for Peace | 2013 | Trocaire | Ireland | Yes | Yes | 24,179 | |
Coalition of Women for Peace | 2014 | Alliance for Global Justice | Private | No | No | 65,555 | Includs individual donations |
Coalition of Women for Peace | 2014 | Bread for the World | Germany | Yes | Yes | 93,657 | |
Coalition of Women for Peace | 2014 | European Commission | European Union | Yes | No | 152,082 | |
Coalition of Women for Peace | 2014 | Kurve Wustrow | Germany | Yes | No | 565,303 | |
Coalition of Women for Peace | 2014 | Kvinna till Kvinna | Sweden | Yes | No | 109,793 | |
Coalition of Women for Peace | 2014 | NOVACT / NOVA | Spain | Yes | No | 161,258 | |
Coalition of Women for Peace | 2014 | Others from Israel/Abroad | Private | No | No | 54,114 | |
Coalition of Women for Peace | 2014 | Oxfam - Novib | Netherlands | Yes | No | 361,617 | |
Coalition of Women for Peace | 2014 | Urgent Action Fund for Women’s Rights | United States | Yes | No | 17,050 | |
Combatants for Peace | 2012 | Harold Hyam Wingate | Private | No | No | 63,100 | |
Combatants for Peace | 2012 | Karl Kahane Foundation | Private | No | No | 77,174 | |
Combatants for Peace | 2012 | MFA - Switzerland | Switzerland | Yes | No | 161,172 | |
Combatants for Peace | 2012 | Refuser Solidarity Network | Private | No | No | 30,936 | |
Combatants for Peace | 2012 | Rosa Luxemburg Foundation | Germany | Yes | No | 60,000 | |
Combatants for Peace | 2012 | SIVMO | Private | No | No | 40,709 | |
Combatants for Peace | 2013 | Belgian Technical Cooperation (BTC) | Belgium | Yes | No | 58,703 | |
Combatants for Peace | 2013 | Cathy L Sch | Private | No | No | 32,829 | |
Combatants for Peace | 2013 | I Wage Peace | Private | No | No | 37,730 | |
Combatants for Peace | 2013 | MFA - Switzerland | Switzerland | Yes | No | 28,993 | |
Combatants for Peace | 2013 | Rosa Luxemburg Foundation | Germany | Yes | No | 60,839 | |
Combatants for Peace | 2013 | SIVMO | Private | No | No | 26,402 | |
Comet Me | 2012 | Accion Contra El Hambre | Spain | Yes | No | 208,400 | |
Comet Me | 2012 | Center for Emerging Futures | Private | No | No | 19,903 | |
Comet Me | 2012 | Development Agency – Switzerland | Switzerland | Yes | No | 33,771 | |
Comet Me | 2012 | Engineers Without Borders | Private | No | No | 12,904 | |
Comet Me | 2012 | Foreign Private Donations | Private | No | No | 20,084 | |
Comet Me | 2012 | Irish Aid | Ireland | Yes | No | 293,649 | |
Comet Me | 2012 | Local Private Donations | Private | No | No | 8,300 | |
Comet Me | 2012 | Medico International | Germany | Yes | No | 515,610 | |
Comet Me | 2012 | Representative in Ramalah – Germany | Germany | Yes | No | 100,000 | |
Comet Me | 2012 | Rockefeller Brothers Fund | Private | No | No | 149,106 | |
Comet Me | 2012 | Swedish Postcode Foundation | Private | No | No | 318,365 | |
Comet Me | 2012 | Swiss Olive Oil Campaign | Private | No | No | 205,635 | |
Comet Me | 2013 | Development Agency – Belgium | Belgium | Yes | No | 28,693 | |
Comet Me | 2013 | Foreign Private Donations | Private | No | No | 190,612 | |
Comet Me | 2013 | Irish Aid | Ireland | Yes | No | 287,149 | |
Comet Me | 2013 | Medico International | Germany | Yes | No | 593,397 | |
Comet Me | 2013 | MFA - France | France | Yes | No | 137,466 | |
Comet Me | 2013 | MFA - Netherlands | Netherlands | Yes | No | 59,347 | |
Comet Me | 2013 | MFA - New Zealand | New Zealand | Yes | No | 22,098 | |
Comet Me | 2013 | Rockefeller Brothers Fund | Private | No | No | 149,106 | |
Comet Me | 2013 | Slits, Drs. P.h.m. (Peter) | Private | No | No | 3,317 | |
Comet Me | 2013 | Stichting ISRAA | Private | No | No | 2,443 | |
Comet Me | 2013 | Swedish Postcode Foundation | Private | No | No | 456,075 | |
Comet Me | 2013 | Swiss Olive Oil Campaign | Private | No | No | 10,484 | |
Comet Me | 2013 | The Almoney Fund | Private | No | No | 17,912 | |
Comet Me | 2013 | The Osprey Foundation | Private | No | No | 141,583 | |
Comet Me | 2014 | Development Agency – Belgium | Belgium | Yes | No | 29,403 | |
Comet Me | 2014 | European Union | European Union | Yes | No | 410,455 | |
Comet Me | 2014 | Irish Aid | Ireland | Yes | No | 358,311 | |
Comet Me | 2014 | Medico International | Germany | Yes | No | 780,356 | |
Comet Me | 2014 | MFA - France | France | Yes | No | 5,391 | |
Comet Me | 2014 | MFA - Netherlands | Netherlands | Yes | No | 166,086 | |
Comet Me | 2014 | Other Funds from Abroad | Private | No | No | 5,773 | |
Comet Me | 2014 | Rockefeller Brothers Fund | Private | No | No | 172,900 | |
Comet Me | 2014 | Swedish Postcode Foundation | Private | No | No | 274,692 | |
Comet Me | 2014 | Swiss Olive Oil Campaign | Private | No | No | 164,541 | |
Comet Me | 2014 | The Osprey Foundation | Private | No | No | 19,544 | |
Emek Shaveh | 2012 | Beracha Foundation | Private | No | No | 77,600 | |
Emek Shaveh | 2012 | Cordaid | Netherlands | Yes | Yes | 147,553 | |
Emek Shaveh | 2012 | Donations | Private | No | No | 47,968 | |
Emek Shaveh | 2012 | Embassy - Norway | Norway | Yes | No | 250,000 | |
Emek Shaveh | 2013 | Cordaid | Netherlands | Yes | Yes | 123,339 | |
Emek Shaveh | 2013 | Donations | Private | No | No | 43,022 | |
Emek Shaveh | 2013 | Embassy - Norway | Norway | Yes | No | 228,120 | |
Emek Shaveh | 2013 | HEKS EPER | Switzerland | Yes | Yes | 84,726 | |
Emek Shaveh | 2013 | MFA - Switzerland | Switzerland | Yes | No | 94,320 | |
Emek Shaveh | 2014 | Cordaid | Netherlands | Yes | Yes | 154,012 | |
Emek Shaveh | 2014 | Donations | Private | No | No | 28,825 | |
Emek Shaveh | 2014 | Embassy - Norway | Norway | Yes | No | 130,532 | |
Emek Shaveh | 2014 | HEKS EPER | Switzerland | Yes | Yes | 172,977 | |
Emek Shaveh | 2014 | MFA - Ireland | Ireland | Yes | No | 93,304 | |
Emek Shaveh | 2014 | FDFA - Switzerland | Switzerland | Yes | No | 324,468 | |
Gisha | 2012 | Broederlijk Delen | Belgium | Yes | Yes | 293,591 | |
Gisha | 2012 | Drosos Foundation | Private | No | No | 414,917 | |
Gisha | 2012 | European Commission | European Union | Yes | No | 387,542 | |
Gisha | 2012 | Foundation for Middle East Peace | Private | No | No | 38,544 | |
Gisha | 2012 | Iris O’Brien Foundation | Private | No | No | 192,275 | |
Gisha | 2012 | NGO Development Center (NDC) | Sweden, Netherland, Denmark, Switzerland | Yes | No | 412,833 | |
Gisha | 2012 | Open Society Institute | Private | No | No | 364,539 | |
Gisha | 2012 | Oxfam - GB | United Kingdom | Yes | No | 424,038 | |
Gisha | 2012 | Trocaire | Ireland | Yes | Yes | 50,019 | |
Gisha | 2012 | UNDP | United Nations | Yes | No | 206,764 | |
Gisha | 2013 | Broederlijk Delen | Belgium | Yes | Yes | 284,144 | |
Gisha | 2013 | Drosos Foundation | Private | No | No | 282,766 | |
Gisha | 2013 | Embassy - UK | United Kingdom | Yes | No | 405,973 | |
Gisha | 2013 | European Commission | European Union | Yes | No | 74,340 | |
Gisha | 2013 | Iris O’Brien Foundation | Private | No | No | 174,267 | |
Gisha | 2013 | Oxfam - GB | United Kingdom | Yes | No | 131,311 | |
Gisha | 2013 | Sigrid Rausing Trust | Private | No | No | 421,732 | |
Gisha | 2013 | UNDP | United Nations | Yes | No | 171,146 | |
Gisha | 2014 | Broederlijk Delen | Belgium | Yes | Yes | 279,682 | |
Gisha | 2014 | Drosos Foundation | Private | No | No | 553,688 | |
Gisha | 2014 | Embassy - UK | United Kingdom | Yes | No | 338,552 | |
Gisha | 2014 | Iris O’Brien Foundation | Private | No | No | 85,829 | |
Gisha | 2014 | Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) | Multiple Governments | Yes | No | 55,744 | |
Gisha | 2014 | Open Society Institute | Private | No | No | 339,821 | |
Gisha | 2014 | Oxfam - GB | United Kingdom | Yes | No | 216,185 | |
Gisha | 2014 | Oxfam - Novib | Netherlands | Yes | No | 303,849 | |
Gisha | 2014 | HR-IHL Secretariat | Sweden, Netherland, Denmark, Switzerland | Yes | No | 418,774 | |
Gisha | 2014 | Sigrid Rausing Trust | Private | No | No | 461,178 | |
Gisha | 2014 | Trocaire | Ireland | Yes | Yes | 153,082 | |
Gisha | 2014 | UNDP | United Nations | Yes | No | 76,906 | |
Hamoked | 2012 | Broederlijk Delen | Belgium | Yes | Yes | 293,994 | Project from June 2011-May 2012 / Project from June 2012 – May 2013 |
Hamoked | 2012 | CCFD | France | Yes | Yes | 170,884 | |
Hamoked | 2012 | Consulate in Jerusalem - France | France | Yes | No | 99,010 | |
Hamoked | 2012 | Embassy - Netherlands | Netherlands | Yes | No | 52,080 | |
Hamoked | 2012 | Embassy - Norway | Norway | Yes | No | 1,271,913 | |
Hamoked | 2012 | Firedoll Foundation | Private | No | No | 46,250 | Via New Israel Fund |
Hamoked | 2012 | Ford Foundation | Private | No | No | 297,712 | Via NIF | Project from June 2012 – December 2013 |
Hamoked | 2012 | May 18 Memorial Foundation | Private | No | No | 13,294 | Project from May 2012-April 2014 |
Hamoked | 2012 | Misereor | Germany | Yes | Yes | 446,694 | |
Hamoked | 2012 | NGO Development Center (NDC) | Sweden, Netherland, Denmark, Switzerland | Yes | No | 1,775,122 | |
Hamoked | 2012 | Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) | Multiple Governments | Yes | No | 1,192,734 | Projects from October 2011 – January 2013 |
Hamoked | 2012 | Others | Private | No | No | 14,232 | |
Hamoked | 2012 | Oxfam - Novib | Netherlands | Yes | No | 515,470 | Projects from July 2010 – December 2013 |
Hamoked | 2012 | Sigrid Rausing Trust | Private | No | No | 597,350 | Project from March 2010 – February 2013 |
Hamoked | 2012 | Taiwan Foundation for Democarcy | Taiwan | Yes | No | 3,872 | |
Hamoked | 2012 | Trocaire | Ireland | Yes | Yes | 98,892 | |
Hamoked | 2012 | UNDP | United Nations | Yes | No | 170,640 | Project from August 2012-August 2013 |
Hamoked | 2013 | AECID – Spanish International Development Cooperation | Spain | Yes | No | 189,905 | July 2013 – September 2014 | Via Rabbis for Human Rights |
Hamoked | 2013 | Broederlijk Delen | Belgium | Yes | Yes | 143,171 | Project from June 2013 – May 2014 |
Hamoked | 2013 | CCFD | France | Yes | Yes | 129,706 | |
Hamoked | 2013 | Consulate in Jerusalem - France | France | Yes | No | 49,019 | |
Hamoked | 2013 | Development Agency – Belgium | Belgium | Yes | No | 53,188 | |
Hamoked | 2013 | Embassy - Finland | Finland | Yes | No | 143,188 | |
Hamoked | 2013 | Embassy - Norway | Norway | Yes | No | 887,573 | |
Hamoked | 2013 | European Commission | European Union | Yes | No | 603,341 | Joint project with 6 about torture 2013-2015. 44,687.14 Euro delieverd to 6 |
Hamoked | 2013 | Firedoll Foundation | Private | No | No | 43,679 | Via New Israel Fund |
Hamoked | 2013 | May 18 Memorial Foundation | Private | No | No | 15,654 | Project from May 2012-April 2014 |
Hamoked | 2013 | NGO Development Center (NDC) | Sweden, Netherland, Denmark, Switzerland | Yes | No | 609,697 | |
Hamoked | 2013 | Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) | Multiple Governments | Yes | No | 1,072,298 | |
Hamoked | 2013 | Others | Private | No | No | 3,947 | |
Hamoked | 2013 | Oxfam - Novib | Netherlands | Yes | No | 360,338 | Bi annual projects |
Hamoked | 2013 | Pro Victims Foundation | Private | No | No | 93,462 | Bi annual |
Hamoked | 2013 | Sigrid Rausing Trust | Private | No | No | 608,135 | Project March 2013 – February 2014 |
Hamoked | 2013 | Trocaire | Ireland | Yes | Yes | 7,084 | In Jan 2014, Trocaire will fund 24 months project | 40,000 Euros |
Hamoked | 2013 | UNDP | United Nations | Yes | No | 478,890 | |
Hamoked | 2014 | AECID – Spanish International Development Cooperation | Spain | Yes | No | 281,169 | |
Hamoked | 2014 | CCFD | France | Yes | Yes | 92,457 | |
Hamoked | 2014 | Embassy - Finland | Finland | Yes | No | 129,129 | |
Hamoked | 2014 | Embassy - Norway | Norway | Yes | No | 825,750 | |
Hamoked | 2014 | Misereor | Germany | Yes | Yes | 732,638 | |
Hamoked | 2014 | Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) | Multiple Governments | Yes | No | 1,636,285 | |
Hamoked | 2014 | Others | Private | No | No | 8,008 | |
Hamoked | 2014 | Oxfam - Novib | Netherlands | Yes | No | 367,082 | |
Hamoked | 2014 | Pro Victims Foundation | Private | No | No | 249,492 | |
Hamoked | 2014 | HR-IHL Secretariat | Sweden, Netherland, Denmark, Switzerland | Yes | No | 862,254 | |
Hamoked | 2014 | Sigrid Rausing Trust | Private | No | No | 643,522 | |
Hamoked | 2014 | New Israel Fund | Private | No | No | 116,990 | |
Hamoked | 2014 | Trocaire | Ireland | Yes | Yes | 159,395 | |
Hamoked | 2014 | UNDP | United Nations | Yes | No | 76,818 | |
Human Rights Defenders Fund | 2012 | AECID – Spanish International Development Cooperation | Spain | Yes | No | 600,286 | |
Human Rights Defenders Fund | 2012 | Cordaid | Netherlands | Yes | Yes | 74,860 | |
Human Rights Defenders Fund | 2012 | Dan Church Aid | Denmark | Yes | Yes | 68,500 | |
Human Rights Defenders Fund | 2012 | MFA - Switzerland | Switzerland | Yes | No | 161,628 | |
Human Rights Defenders Fund | 2012 | New Israel Fund | Private | No | No | 215,117 | |
Human Rights Defenders Fund | 2013 | Cordaid | Netherlands | Yes | Yes | 23,288 | |
Human Rights Defenders Fund | 2013 | Det Norske Menneskeretting Hetspond | Norway | Yes | No | 69,800 | |
Human Rights Defenders Fund | 2013 | Johim Jk Client Capital | Private | No | No | 182,600 | |
Human Rights Defenders Fund | 2013 | MFA - Switzerland | Switzerland | Yes | No | 32,730 | |
Human Rights Defenders Fund | 2013 | MFA - Switzerland | Switzerland | Yes | No | 355,275 | |
Human Rights Defenders Fund | 2013 | Moriah Fund | Private | No | No | 69,886 | |
Human Rights Defenders Fund | 2013 | New Israel Fund | Private | No | No | 85,439 | |
Ir Amim | 2012 | Abrons Foundation | Private | No | No | 39,007 | |
Ir Amim | 2012 | Blum Foundation | Private | No | No | 37,330 | |
Ir Amim | 2012 | EIDHR | European Union | Yes | No | 505,210 | |
Ir Amim | 2012 | Embassy - Norway | Norway | Yes | No | 513,479 | |
Ir Amim | 2012 | England Family Foundation | Private | No | No | 37,824 | |
Ir Amim | 2012 | Bread for the World | Germany | Yes | Yes | 426,798 | |
Ir Amim | 2012 | IFA – Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations | Germany | Yes | No | 197,565 | |
Ir Amim | 2012 | Krieger Foundation | Private | No | No | 101,250 | |
Ir Amim | 2012 | Moriah Fund | Private | No | No | 114,178 | |
Ir Amim | 2012 | Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) | Multiple Governments | Yes | No | 25,900 | |
Ir Amim | 2012 | Open Society Institute | Private | No | No | 247,524 | |
Ir Amim | 2012 | Social Justice Fund | Private | No | No | 365,600 | |
Ir Amim | 2012 | The British Fund Program – Conflict Pool | United Kingdom | Yes | No | 81,000 | |
Ir Amim | 2012 | New Israel Fund | Private | No | No | 95,798 | |
Ir Amim | 2012 | The Swedish Global Conflict Prevention | Sweden | Yes | No | 568,200 | |
Ir Amim | 2013 | Abrons Foundation | Private | No | No | 36,059 | |
Ir Amim | 2013 | Bella Savran | Private | No | No | 24,557 | |
Ir Amim | 2013 | Blaustein Foundation | Private | No | No | 88,428 | |
Ir Amim | 2013 | Bread for the World | Germany | Yes | Yes | 322,324 | |
Ir Amim | 2013 | Embassy - Norway | Norway | Yes | No | 521,173 | |
Ir Amim | 2013 | Embassy - Sweden | Sweden | Yes | No | 417,479 | |
Ir Amim | 2013 | England Family Foundation | Private | No | No | 37,100 | |
Ir Amim | 2013 | Krieger Foundation | Private | No | No | 360,000 | |
Ir Amim | 2013 | Moriah Fund | Private | No | No | 115,337 | |
Ir Amim | 2013 | Open Society Institute | Private | No | No | 227,500 | |
Ir Amim | 2013 | Sara Gottesman | Private | No | No | 27,413 | |
Ir Amim | 2013 | Social Justice Fund | Private | No | No | 360,590 | |
Ir Amim | 2013 | New Israel Fund | Private | No | No | 34,710 | |
Ir Amim | 2014 | Abrons Foundation | Private | No | No | 101,496 | |
Ir Amim | 2014 | Blaustein Foundation | Private | No | No | 85,859 | |
Ir Amim | 2014 | Bread for the World | Germany | Yes | Yes | 572,931 | |
Ir Amim | 2014 | The British Shalom Salaam Trust | Private | No | No | 30,000 | |
Ir Amim | 2014 | Consulate in Jerusalem - France | France | Yes | No | 93,897 | |
Ir Amim | 2014 | Embassy - Netherlands | Netherlands | Yes | No | 136,994 | |
Ir Amim | 2014 | Embassy - Norway | Norway | Yes | No | 757,746 | |
Ir Amim | 2014 | England Family Foundation | Private | No | No | 34,900 | |
Ir Amim | 2014 | European Endowment for Democracy | European Union | Yes | No | 283,500 | |
Ir Amim | 2014 | European Union | European Union | Yes | No | 229,692 | |
Ir Amim | 2014 | Leichtag Foundation | Private | No | No | 128,475 | |
Ir Amim | 2014 | Moriah Fund | Private | No | No | 85,399 | |
Ir Amim | 2014 | Open Society Institute | Private | No | No | 259,970 | |
Ir Amim | 2014 | Sally Guttesman | Private | No | No | 25,620 | |
Ir Amim | 2014 | Simses & Associates, P.A | Private | No | No | 184,868 | |
Ir Amim | 2014 | New Israel Fund | Private | No | No | 93,498 | |
Women’s Fund for Human Rights (Machsom Watch) | 2012 | European Union | European Union | Yes | No | 314,252 | |
Women’s Fund for Human Rights (Machsom Watch) | 2012 | Government - Norway | Norway | Yes | No | 383,877 | |
Women’s Fund for Human Rights (Machsom Watch) | 2012 | Malka Amit Ltd. | Private | No | No | 24,000 | |
Women’s Fund for Human Rights (Machsom Watch) | 2012 | Open Society Institute | Private | No | No | 132,405 | |
Women’s Fund for Human Rights (Machsom Watch) | 2012 | Others | Private | No | No | 143,057 | |
Women’s Fund for Human Rights (Machsom Watch) | 2012 | Samuel Sebba Charitable Trust | Private | No | No | 165,000 | |
Women’s Fund for Human Rights (Machsom Watch) | 2012 | New Israel Fund | Private | No | No | 89,900 | |
Women’s Fund for Human Rights (Machsom Watch) | 2013 | Apple Pickers Foundation | Private | No | No | 289,256 | |
Women’s Fund for Human Rights (Machsom Watch) | 2013 | European Union | European Union | Yes | No | 334,816 | |
Women’s Fund for Human Rights (Machsom Watch) | 2013 | Government - Norway | Norway | Yes | No | 203,804 | |
Women’s Fund for Human Rights (Machsom Watch) | 2013 | Malka Amit Ltd. | Private | No | No | 10,000 | |
Women’s Fund for Human Rights (Machsom Watch) | 2013 | Open Society Institute | Private | No | No | 128,660 | |
Women’s Fund for Human Rights (Machsom Watch) | 2013 | Others | Private | No | No | 190,839 | |
Women’s Fund for Human Rights (Machsom Watch) | 2013 | Samuel Sebba Charitable Trust | Private | No | No | 120,000 | |
Women’s Fund for Human Rights (Machsom Watch) | 2013 | New Israel Fund | Private | No | No | 71,876 | |
Women’s Fund for Human Rights (Machsom Watch) | 2014 | The British Shalom Salaam Trust | Private | No | No | 23,500 | |
Women’s Fund for Human Rights (Machsom Watch) | 2014 | Embassy - Norway | Norway | Yes | No | 171,810 | |
Women’s Fund for Human Rights (Machsom Watch) | 2014 | Embassy - Switzerland | Switzerland | Yes | No | 40,000 | |
Women’s Fund for Human Rights (Machsom Watch) | 2014 | Nancy Rubin | Private | No | No | 33,601 | |
Women’s Fund for Human Rights (Machsom Watch) | 2014 | Open Society Institute | Private | No | No | 122,255 | |
Women’s Fund for Human Rights (Machsom Watch) | 2014 | Others | Private | No | No | 283,996 | |
Women’s Fund for Human Rights (Machsom Watch) | 2014 | Samuel Sebba Charitable Trust | Private | No | No | 120,000 | |
Women’s Fund for Human Rights (Machsom Watch) | 2014 | New Israel Fund | Private | No | No | 99,033 | |
Mossowa | 2012 | EED | Germany | Yes | Yes | 552,929 | (Source: Quarterly reporting of donations from foreign entity ) |
Mossowa | 2012 | European Union | European Union | Yes | No | 2,126,058 | (Source: Quarterly reporting of donations from foreign entity ) |
Mossowa | 2012 | Missing / Unclear | Missing / Unclear | No | No | 658,096 | |
Mossowa | 2013 | EED | Germany | Yes | Yes | 547,675 | |
Mossowa | 2013 | European Union Delegation | European Union | Yes | No | 1,387,698 | |
Mossowa | 2013 | Ford Foundation | Private | No | No | 126,338 | |
Mossowa | 2013 | Fredrich Ebert Stiftung | Germany | Yes | No | 90,112 | |
Mossowa | 2013 | ICCO & Kerk in Actie | Netherlands | Yes | Yes | 333,949 | |
Mossowa | 2013 | LGA | United Kingdom | Yes | No | 15,481 | |
Mossowa | 2013 | Moriah Fund | Private | No | No | 124,533 | |
Mossowa | 2013 | Open Society Institute | Private | No | No | 91,407 | |
Mossowa | 2013 | New Israel Fund | Private | No | No | 455,887 | |
New Profile | 2012 | American Friends Service Committee | Private | No | Yes | 19,410 | |
New Profile | 2012 | Bread for the World | Germany | Yes | Yes | 165,790 | |
New Profile | 2012 | Con 81 – PrivateFrench Donations | Private | No | No | 7,514 | |
New Profile | 2012 | HEKS EPER | Switzerland | Yes | Yes | 127,120 | |
New Profile | 2012 | Others | Private | No | No | 3,984 | |
New Profile | 2012 | Palastina – Friedenssiftung Rachel Corrie | Private | No | No | 14,898 | |
New Profile | 2012 | Refuser Solidarity Network | Private | No | No | 26,992 | |
New Profile | 2012 | SIVMO | Private | No | No | 13,226 | |
New Profile | 2012 | Tikva Grassroot Empowerment Fund (Tides Foundation) | Private | No | No | 18,765 | |
New Profile | 2012 | Women for Peace Switzerland | Missing / Unclear | No | No | 16,151 | |
New Profile | 2013 | American Friends Service Committee | Private | No | Yes | 73,211 | |
New Profile | 2013 | Bread for the World | Germany | Yes | Yes | 210,800 | |
New Profile | 2013 | Church of Scotland | Scotland | Yes | Yes | 30,242 | |
New Profile | 2013 | HEKS EPER | Switzerland | Yes | Yes | 165,047 | |
New Profile | 2013 | International Peace Makers Fund | Private | No | Yes | 27,627 | |
New Profile | 2013 | Others | Private | No | No | 13,062 | |
New Profile | 2013 | Palastina – Friedenssiftung Rachel Corrie | Private | No | No | 12,804 | |
New Profile | 2013 | Quaker Peace and Social Witness | Private | No | Yes | 8,220 | |
New Profile | 2013 | Refuser Solidarity Network | Private | No | No | 19,961 | |
New Profile | 2013 | Tikva Grassroot Empowerment Fund (Tides Foundation) | Private | No | No | 18,125 | |
New Profile | 2013 | Women for Peace Switzerland | Missing / Unclear | No | No | 15,962 | |
New Profile | 2013 | Women to Women | Private | No | No | 6,460 | |
New Profile | 2014 | American Friends Service Committee | Private | No | Yes | 63,351 | |
New Profile | 2014 | Bread for the World | Germany | Yes | Yes | 188,000 | |
New Profile | 2014 | Church of Scotland | Scotland | Yes | Yes | 18,215 | |
New Profile | 2014 | Church of Scotland | Scotland | Yes | Yes | 11,398 | |
New Profile | 2014 | HEKS EPER | Switzerland | Yes | Yes | 82,407 | |
New Profile | 2014 | Lush Charity Pot | Private | No | No | 17,267 | |
New Profile | 2014 | Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) | Private | No | Yes | 72,430 | |
New Profile | 2014 | Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) | Private | No | Yes | 600 | |
New Profile | 2014 | Palastina – Friedenssiftung Rachel Corrie | Private | No | No | 12,797 | |
New Profile | 2014 | Private Donors | Private | No | No | 1,153 | |
New Profile | 2014 | Private Donors | Private | No | No | 17,276 | |
New Profile | 2014 | Refuser Solidarity Network | Private | No | No | 37,282 | |
New Profile | 2014 | The Karibu Foundation | Private | No | No | 34,194 | |
New Profile | 2014 | The Lutheran Church | Private | No | Yes | 1,200 | |
New Profile | 2014 | Women for Peace Switzerland | Missing / Unclear | No | No | 15,599 | |
New Profile | 2014 | Women to Women | Private | No | No | 2,100 | |
Peace Now | 2012 | Embassy - Netherlands | Netherlands | Yes | No | 136,896 | |
Peace Now | 2012 | Embassy - Norway | Norway | Yes | No | 1,032,347 | |
Peace Now | 2012 | MFA - Belgium | Belgium | Yes | No | 500,000 | |
Peace Now | 2012 | MFA - Switzerland | Switzerland | Yes | No | 224,464 | |
Peace Now | 2012 | MFA - UK | United Kingdom | Yes | No | 356,130 | |
Peace Now | 2012 | Others – Israel | Private | No | No | 90,257 | |
Peace Now | 2013 | Americans for Peace Now Inc. | Private | No | No | 1,234,144 | |
Peace Now | 2013 | Embassy - Netherlands | Netherlands | Yes | No | 67,441 | |
Peace Now | 2013 | Embassy - Norway | Norway | Yes | No | 804,720 | |
Peace Now | 2013 | Fredrich Ebert Stiftung | Germany | Yes | No | 20,705 | |
Peace Now | 2013 | MFA - Belgium | Belgium | Yes | No | 411,380 | |
Peace Now | 2013 | MFA - Switzerland | Switzerland | Yes | No | 263,654 | |
Peace Now | 2013 | MFA - UK | United Kingdom | Yes | No | 482,880 | |
Peace Now | 2013 | Mr. Haklay Yosef | Private | No | No | 24,170 | |
Peace Now | 2013 | Mr. Ron Pundak | Private | No | No | 72,325 | |
Peace Now | 2014 | Embassy - Finland | Finland | Yes | No | 207,324 | |
Peace Now | 2014 | Embassy - Netherlands | Netherlands | Yes | No | 1,910 | |
Peace Now | 2014 | Embassy - Norway | Norway | Yes | No | 332,963 | |
Peace Now | 2014 | MFA - UK | United Kingdom | Yes | No | 565,915 | |
Peace Now | 2014 | SIDA – Sweden | Sweden | Yes | No | 144,909 | |
Public Committee Against Torture in Israel | 2012 | AECID – Spanish International Development Cooperation | Spain | Yes | No | 98,220 | |
Public Committee Against Torture in Israel | 2012 | Cordaid | Netherlands | Yes | Yes | 493,680 | |
Public Committee Against Torture in Israel | 2012 | European Commission | European Union | Yes | No | 339,520 | |
Public Committee Against Torture in Israel | 2012 | Kvinna till Kvinna | Sweden | Yes | No | 360,212 | |
Public Committee Against Torture in Israel | 2012 | NGO Development Center (NDC) | Sweden, Netherland, Denmark, Switzerland | Yes | No | 983,983 | |
Public Committee Against Torture in Israel | 2012 | NGO Development Center (NDC) | Sweden, Netherland, Denmark, Switzerland | Yes | No | 105,271 | |
Public Committee Against Torture in Israel | 2012 | Others | Private | No | No | 48,132 | |
Public Committee Against Torture in Israel | 2012 | Sigrid Rausing Trust | Private | No | No | 333,250 | |
Public Committee Against Torture in Israel | 2012 | SIVMO | Private | No | No | 36,293 | |
Public Committee Against Torture in Israel | 2012 | New Israel Fund | Private | No | No | 229,488 | |
Public Committee Against Torture in Israel | 2012 | UNDP | United Nations | Yes | No | 186,070 | |
Public Committee Against Torture in Israel | 2012 | UNVFVT | United Nations | Yes | No | 269,396 | |
Public Committee Against Torture in Israel | 2013 | Cordaid | Netherlands | Yes | Yes | 481,331 | |
Public Committee Against Torture in Israel | 2013 | Cordaid | Netherlands | Yes | Yes | 7,173 | |
Public Committee Against Torture in Israel | 2013 | DIGNITY | Denmark | Yes | No | 63,076 | |
Public Committee Against Torture in Israel | 2013 | European Commission | European Union | Yes | No | 419,795 | |
Public Committee Against Torture in Israel | 2013 | Turkish Human Rights Foundation | European Union | Yes | No | 201,632 | via European Commission |
Public Committee Against Torture in Israel | 2013 | Kvinna till Kvinna | Sweden | Yes | No | 292,073 | |
Public Committee Against Torture in Israel | 2013 | NGO Development Center (NDC) | Sweden, Netherland, Denmark, Switzerland | Yes | No | 301,192 | |
Public Committee Against Torture in Israel | 2013 | NGO Development Center (NDC) | Sweden, Netherland, Denmark, Switzerland | Yes | No | 71,503 | |
Public Committee Against Torture in Israel | 2013 | Others | Private | No | No | 23,298 | |
Public Committee Against Torture in Israel | 2013 | Sigrid Rausing Trust | Private | No | No | 250,905 | |
Public Committee Against Torture in Israel | 2013 | New Israel Fund | Private | No | No | 126,842 | |
Public Committee Against Torture in Israel | 2013 | UNDP | United Nations | Yes | No | 324,964 | |
Public Committee Against Torture in Israel | 2013 | UNVFVT | United Nations | Yes | No | 266,976 | |
Public Committee Against Torture in Israel | 2014 | Association for the Prevention of Torture | Multiple Governments | Yes | No | 72,710 | |
Public Committee Against Torture in Israel | 2014 | Cordaid | Netherlands | Yes | Yes | 465,139 | |
Public Committee Against Torture in Israel | 2014 | DIGNITY | Denmark | Yes | No | 217,396 | |
Public Committee Against Torture in Israel | 2014 | Embassy - Germany | Germany | Yes | No | 122,491 | |
Public Committee Against Torture in Israel | 2014 | European Commission | European Union | Yes | No | 74,347 | |
Public Committee Against Torture in Israel | 2014 | ICCO | Netherlands | Yes | Yes | 234,515 | |
Public Committee Against Torture in Israel | 2014 | Other donors in NIS | Private | No | No | 23,920 | |
Public Committee Against Torture in Israel | 2014 | HR-IHL Secretariat | Sweden, Netherland, Denmark, Switzerland | Yes | No | 347,443 | |
Public Committee Against Torture in Israel | 2014 | SIVMO | Private | No | No | 6,992 | |
Public Committee Against Torture in Israel | 2014 | Stg. Humanitair Found | Missing / Unclear | No | No | 14,116 | |
Public Committee Against Torture in Israel | 2014 | New Israel Fund | Private | No | No | 17,220 | |
Public Committee Against Torture in Israel | 2014 | Turkish Human Rights Foundation | European Union | Yes | No | 363,609 | via European Commission |
Public Committee Against Torture in Israel | 2014 | UNDP | United Nations | Yes | No | 76,818 | |
Public Committee Against Torture in Israel | 2014 | UNVFVT | United Nations | Yes | No | 192,995 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2012 | AECID – Spanish International Development Cooperation | Spain | Yes | No | 676,842 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2012 | Aid to Tent Encampments | Private | No | No | 21,077 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2012 | Annonymous donor | Private | No | No | 20,201 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2012 | British Friends of RHR | Private | No | No | 61,822 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2012 | Caritas | Belgium | Yes | Yes | 27,328 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2012 | Church of Scotland | Scotland | Yes | Yes | 97,768 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2012 | EED | Germany | Yes | Yes | 63,098 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2012 | European Union | European Union | Yes | No | 276,209 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2012 | Firedoll Foundation | Private | No | No | 35,668 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2012 | Ford Foundation | Private | No | No | 274,200 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2012 | Goldberg Fund | Private | No | No | 25,000 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2012 | Harrison Family | Private | No | No | 29,539 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2012 | Kerk in Actie | Netherlands | Yes | Yes | 122,433 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2012 | Foundation for Middle East Peace | Private | No | No | 18,890 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2012 | Misereor | Germany | Yes | Yes | 100,126 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2012 | Natalie Davis | Private | No | No | 2,593 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2012 | NGO Development Center (NDC) | Sweden, Netherland, Denmark, Switzerland | Yes | No | 240,703 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2012 | Norwegian Church Aid | Norway | Yes | Yes | 542,067 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2012 | Nouri Al-Uqabi | Private | No | No | 20,502 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2012 | O’Brien Humanitarian Trust | Private | No | No | 200,449 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2012 | Others | Private | No | No | 8,160 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2012 | Others – Israel | Private | No | No | 166,974 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2012 | Overseas Resources Foundation Limited (ORFL) | Private | No | No | 727,479 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2012 | Pre-Military Schools | Private | No | No | 29,523 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2012 | Rabbis for Human Rights-North America | Private | No | No | 864,580 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2012 | Rita Poretzky Foundation | Private | No | No | 37,204 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2012 | Rosa Luxemburg Foundation | Germany | Yes | No | 3,173 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2012 | San Francisco | Missing / Unclear | No | No | 16,341 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2012 | Karl Kahane Foundation | Private | No | No | 57,715 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2012 | Church of Sweden | Sweden | Yes | Yes | 76,965 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2012 | Trocaire | Ireland | Yes | Yes | 233,333 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2012 | ZIVIK | Germany | Yes | No | 207,805 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2013 | AECID – Spanish International Development Cooperation | Spain | Yes | No | 479,724 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2013 | Annonymous donor | Private | No | No | 240,774 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2013 | British Friends of RHR | Private | No | No | 5,690 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2013 | Caritas | Belgium | Yes | Yes | 124,082 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2013 | Children for Peace | Private | No | No | 19,352 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2013 | Church of Scotland | Scotland | Yes | Yes | 9,407 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2013 | EED | Germany | Yes | Yes | 88,593 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2013 | European Union | European Union | Yes | No | 304,391 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2013 | Firedoll Foundation | Private | No | No | 71,332 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2013 | Ford Foundation | Private | No | No | 288,364 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2013 | Gabison Family | Private | No | No | 34,943 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2013 | Government - UK | United Kingdom | Yes | No | 10,000 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2013 | Hadash | Private | No | No | 54,800 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2013 | Harrison Family | Private | No | No | 30,981 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2013 | Kerk in Actie | Netherlands | Yes | Yes | 118,173 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2013 | Liberal synagogue in Britian | Private | No | No | 49,320 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2013 | Maya Frankfurter | Private | No | No | 50,000 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2013 | Foundation for Middle East Peace | Private | No | No | 22,092 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2013 | Misereor | Germany | Yes | Yes | 151,046 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2013 | Norwegian Church Aid | Norway | Yes | Yes | 478,700 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2013 | O’Brien Humanitarian Trust | Private | No | No | 215,757 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2013 | Others | Private | No | No | 179,274 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2013 | Others | Private | No | No | 709,766 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2013 | Others – Israel | Private | No | No | 66,206 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2013 | Others (Projects) | Private | No | No | 17,518 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2013 | Overseas Resources Foundation Limited (ORFL) | Private | No | No | 637,914 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2013 | Rabbis for Human Rights-North America | Private | No | No | 114,499 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2013 | San Francisco | Missing / Unclear | No | No | 10,694 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2013 | Terry and Caroll Winograd | Private | No | No | 35,077 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2013 | Karl Kahane Foundation | Private | No | No | 35,612 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2013 | New Israel Fund | Private | No | No | 62,175 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2013 | Church of Sweden | Sweden | Yes | Yes | 76,452 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2013 | Tom Kneb | Private | No | No | 49,044 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2013 | Trocaire | Ireland | Yes | Yes | 213,818 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2013 | ZIVIK | Germany | Yes | No | 12,786 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2014 | AECID – Spanish International Development Cooperation | Spain | Yes | No | 479,705 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2014 | Amberstone Trust | Private | No | No | 90,500 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2014 | Caritas | Belgium | Yes | Yes | 73,664 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2014 | EED | Germany | Yes | Yes | 44,997 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2014 | European Union | European Union | Yes | No | 402,294 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2014 | Government - UK | United Kingdom | Yes | No | 569,510 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2014 | Harrison Family | Private | No | No | 24,411 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2014 | Kerk in Actie | Netherlands | Yes | Yes | 119,295 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2014 | Misereor | Germany | Yes | Yes | 320,345 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2014 | Niwano Peace Foundation | Private | No | Yes | 27,558 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2014 | Norwegian Church Aid | Norway | Yes | Yes | 361,551 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2014 | O’Brien Humanitarian Trust | Private | No | No | 133,004 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2014 | Others | Private | No | No | 24,467 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2014 | Others | Private | No | No | 1,328,876 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2014 | Others – Israel | Private | No | No | 159,329 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2014 | Others (Projects) | Private | No | No | 3,202 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2014 | Overseas Resources Foundation Limited (ORFL) | Private | No | No | 775,493 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2014 | San Francisco | Missing / Unclear | No | No | 8,238 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2014 | Karl Kahane Foundation | Private | No | No | 33,760 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2014 | New Israel Fund | Private | No | No | 254,829 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2014 | Church of Sweden | Sweden | Yes | Yes | 78,828 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2014 | Tom Kneb | Private | No | No | 79,271 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2014 | Trocaire | Ireland | Yes | Yes | 231,704 | |
Rabbis for Human Rights | 2016 | Others | Private | No | No | 91,096 | |
Terrestrial Jerusalem | 2012 | MFA - Norway | Norway | Yes | No | 403,447 | |
Terrestrial Jerusalem | 2012 | MFA - Switzerland | Switzerland | Yes | No | 248,705 | |
Terrestrial Jerusalem | 2012 | MFA - UK | United Kingdom | Yes | No | 35,332 | |
Terrestrial Jerusalem | 2012 | NOREF | Norway | Yes | No | 201,932 | |
Terrestrial Jerusalem | 2012 | Others – Israel | Private | No | No | 11,618 | |
Terrestrial Jerusalem | 2013 | Kvinna till Kvinna | Sweden | Yes | No | 121,467 | |
Terrestrial Jerusalem | 2013 | MFA - Norway | Norway | Yes | No | 179,705 | |
Terrestrial Jerusalem | 2013 | MFA - UK | United Kingdom | Yes | No | 450,561 | |
Terrestrial Jerusalem | 2013 | NGO Development Center (NDC) | Sweden, Netherland, Denmark, Switzerland | Yes | No | 103,973 | |
Terrestrial Jerusalem | 2014 | Consulate - UK | United Kingdom | Yes | No | 83,035 | (Source: Quarterly reporting of donations from foreign entity ) |
Terrestrial Jerusalem | 2014 | Embassy - UK | United Kingdom | Yes | No | 145,192 | (Source: Quarterly reporting of donations from foreign entity ) |
Terrestrial Jerusalem | 2014 | Embassy - UK | United Kingdom | Yes | No | 80,176 | (Source: Quarterly reporting of donations from foreign entity ) |
Terrestrial Jerusalem | 2014 | MFA - Norway | Norway | Yes | No | 231,135 | (Source: Quarterly reporting of donations from foreign entity ) |
Terrestrial Jerusalem | 2014 | MFA - Switzerland | Switzerland | Yes | No | 45,084 | (Source: Quarterly reporting of donations from foreign entity ) |
Terrestrial Jerusalem | 2014 | MFA - Switzerland | Switzerland | Yes | No | 165,006 | (Source: Quarterly reporting of donations from foreign entity ) |
The Social TV | 2012 | American Friends Service Committee | Private | No | Yes | 38,747 | |
The Social TV | 2012 | The British Shalom Salaam Trust | Private | No | No | 18,014 | |
The Social TV | 2012 | CCFD | France | Yes | Yes | 19,737 | |
The Social TV | 2012 | Cordaid | Netherlands | Yes | Yes | 350,935 | |
The Social TV | 2012 | EMHRF | Multiple Governments | Yes | No | 24,680 | |
The Social TV | 2012 | Foundation for Middle East Peace | Private | No | No | 15,747 | |
The Social TV | 2012 | Others | Private | No | No | 2,122 | |
The Social TV | 2012 | Sigrid Rausing Trust | Private | No | No | 188,001 | |
The Social TV | 2012 | New Israel Fund | Private | No | No | 98,025 | |
The Social TV | 2013 | American Friends Service Committee | Private | No | Yes | 54,156 | |
The Social TV | 2013 | The British Shalom Salaam Trust | Private | No | No | 17,819 | |
The Social TV | 2013 | Cordaid | Netherlands | Yes | Yes | 343,055 | |
The Social TV | 2013 | Foundation for Middle East Peace | Private | No | No | 17,458 | |
The Social TV | 2013 | HeadStart Campign | Private | No | No | 19,834 | |
The Social TV | 2013 | Others | Private | No | No | 8,880 | |
The Social TV | 2013 | Sigrid Rausing Trust | Private | No | No | 279,259 | |
The Social TV | 2013 | New Israel Fund | Private | No | No | 138,849 | |
The Social TV | 2014 | American Friends Service Committee | Private | No | Yes | 61,703 | |
The Social TV | 2014 | The British Shalom Salaam Trust | Private | No | No | 22,804 | |
The Social TV | 2014 | Cordaid | Netherlands | Yes | Yes | 377,251 | |
The Social TV | 2014 | Foundation for Middle East Peace | Private | No | No | 17,176 | |
The Social TV | 2014 | Ministery of Communications – Israel | Israel | Yes | No | 88,031 | |
The Social TV | 2014 | Others | Private | No | No | 6,449 | |
The Social TV | 2014 | Rosa Luxemburg Foundation | Germany | Yes | No | 22,195 | |
The Social TV | 2014 | Sigrid Rausing Trust | Private | No | No | 286,834 | |
The Social TV | 2014 | New Israel Fund | Private | No | No | 58,026 | |
The Social TV | 2014 | XminY | Private | No | No | 9,273 | |
Yesh Din | 2012 | CAFOD | United Kingdom | Yes | Yes | 144,783 | |
Yesh Din | 2012 | Embassy - Belgium | Belgium | Yes | No | 144,280 | |
Yesh Din | 2012 | Embassy - Netherlands | Netherlands | Yes | No | 120,300 | |
Yesh Din | 2012 | European Commission | European Union | Yes | No | 434,795 | |
Yesh Din | 2012 | European Commission | European Union | Yes | No | 755,980 | |
Yesh Din | 2012 | IFA – Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations | Germany | Yes | No | 491,300 | |
Yesh Din | 2012 | MFA - Ireland | Ireland | Yes | No | 392,800 | |
Yesh Din | 2012 | MFA - Norway | Norway | Yes | No | 1,222,826 | |
Yesh Din | 2012 | MFA - UK | United Kingdom | Yes | No | 44,895 | |
Yesh Din | 2012 | Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) | Multiple Governments | Yes | No | 409,920 | |
Yesh Din | 2012 | Open Society Institute | Private | No | No | 288,000 | |
Yesh Din | 2012 | Oxfam - Novib | Netherlands | Yes | No | 74,800 | |
Yesh Din | 2012 | New Israel Fund | Private | No | No | 128,041 | |
Yesh Din | 2013 | CAFOD | United Kingdom | Yes | Yes | 143,400 | |
Yesh Din | 2013 | Embassy - Norway | Norway | Yes | No | 1,026,000 | |
Yesh Din | 2013 | Embassy - UK | United Kingdom | Yes | No | 1,816,040 | |
Yesh Din | 2013 | European Commission | European Union | Yes | No | 68,290 | |
Yesh Din | 2013 | European Commission | European Union | Yes | No | 387,930 | |
Yesh Din | 2013 | HEKS EPER | Switzerland | Yes | Yes | 84,505 | |
Yesh Din | 2013 | IFA – Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations | Germany | Yes | No | 465,508 | |
Yesh Din | 2013 | MFA - Ireland | Ireland | Yes | No | 428,330 | |
Yesh Din | 2013 | Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) | Multiple Governments | Yes | No | 763,509 | |
Yesh Din | 2013 | Open Society Institute | Private | No | No | 90,400 | |
Yesh Din | 2013 | Oxfam - Novib | Netherlands | Yes | No | 1,036,875 | |
Yesh Din | 2013 | New Israel Fund | Private | No | No | 157,190 | |
Yesh Din | 2014 | CAFOD | United Kingdom | Yes | Yes | 136,800 | |
Yesh Din | 2014 | Embassy - Netherlands | Netherlands | Yes | No | 29,700 | |
Yesh Din | 2014 | Embassy - Norway | Norway | Yes | No | 483,425 | |
Yesh Din | 2014 | Embassy - UK | United Kingdom | Yes | No | 1,139,171 | |
Yesh Din | 2014 | European Commission | European Union | Yes | No | 484,350 | |
Yesh Din | 2014 | European Commission | European Union | Yes | No | 79,220 | |
Yesh Din | 2014 | European Commission | European Union | Yes | No | 381,875 | |
Yesh Din | 2014 | Florian Fretherr | Private | No | No | 33,985 | |
Yesh Din | 2014 | HEKS EPER | Switzerland | Yes | Yes | 77,525 | |
Yesh Din | 2014 | MFA - Ireland | Ireland | Yes | No | 425,700 | |
Yesh Din | 2014 | NIRAS Natura | Sweden, Netherland, Denmark, Switzerland | Yes | No | 293,015 | |
Yesh Din | 2014 | Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) | Multiple Governments | Yes | No | 731,334 | |
Yesh Din | 2014 | Open Society Institute | Private | No | No | 92,850 | |
Yesh Din | 2014 | Oxfam - Novib | Netherlands | Yes | No | 220,624 | |
Yesh Din | 2014 | Oxfam - Novib | Netherlands | Yes | No | 269,990 | |
Yesh Din | 2014 | Sovereign Holding Limited | Private | No | No | 93,800 | |
Yesh Din | 2014 | New Israel Fund | Private | No | No | 172,448 | |
Yesh Din | 2014 | UNDP | United Nations | Yes | No | 78,330 | |
Zochrot | 2012 | Alliance for Global Justice | Private | No | No | 9,174 | |
Zochrot | 2012 | American Friends Service Committee | Private | No | Yes | 17,489 | |
Zochrot | 2012 | Broederlijk Delen | Belgium | Yes | Yes | 244,559 | |
Zochrot | 2012 | CCFD | France | Yes | Yes | 148,922 | |
Zochrot | 2012 | Christian Aid | United Kingdom | Yes | Yes | 191,718 | |
Zochrot | 2012 | HEKS EPER | Switzerland | Yes | Yes | 85,044 | |
Zochrot | 2012 | ICCO & Kerk in Actie | Netherlands | Yes | Yes | 198,360 | |
Zochrot | 2012 | Jewish Voice for Peace | Private | No | No | 35,720 | |
Zochrot | 2012 | Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) | Private | No | Yes | 90,914 | |
Zochrot | 2012 | Misereor | Germany | Yes | Yes | 247,695 | |
Zochrot | 2012 | Others | Private | No | No | 42,579 | |
Zochrot | 2012 | Oxfam - GB | United Kingdom | Yes | No | 30,000 | |
Zochrot | 2012 | Oxfam Solidarity | Belgium | Yes | No | 24,960 | limited to unknown year |
Zochrot | 2012 | Trocaire | Ireland | Yes | Yes | 74,535 | |
Zochrot | 2012 | UNIRED | Missing / Unclear | No | No | 33,238 | |
Zochrot | 2012 | University of East London | United Kingdom | Yes | No | 83,095 | |
Zochrot | 2013 | American Friends Service Committee | Private | No | Yes | 182,510 | |
Zochrot | 2013 | Broederlijk Delen | Belgium | Yes | Yes | 239,915 | |
Zochrot | 2013 | CCFD | France | Yes | Yes | 191,381 | |
Zochrot | 2013 | Christian Aid | United Kingdom | Yes | Yes | 375,248 | |
Zochrot | 2013 | Finn Church Aid | Finland | Yes | Yes | 189,273 | |
Zochrot | 2013 | HEKS EPER | Switzerland | Yes | Yes | 275,997 | |
Zochrot | 2013 | Institute of International Education | United States | Yes | No | 5,630 | |
Zochrot | 2013 | Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) | Private | No | Yes | 97,821 | |
Zochrot | 2013 | Misereor | Germany | Yes | Yes | 124,314 | |
Zochrot | 2013 | Others | Private | No | No | 50,900 | |
Zochrot | 2013 | Oxfam - GB | United Kingdom | Yes | No | 75,420 | |
Zochrot | 2013 | Private Donors | Private | No | No | 142,791 | |
Zochrot | 2013 | Rosa Luxemburg Foundation | Germany | Yes | No | 81,240 | |
Zochrot | 2013 | Siraj Center | Private | No | No | 800 | |
Zochrot | 2013 | Stichting Het Solidariets Fonds | Netherlands | Yes | Yes | 70,579 | |
Zochrot | 2013 | Trocaire | Ireland | Yes | Yes | 47,960 | |
Zochrot | 2014 | Broederlijk Delen | Belgium | Yes | Yes | 190,933 | |
Zochrot | 2014 | CCFD | France | Yes | Yes | 194,944 | |
Zochrot | 2014 | Christian Aid | United Kingdom | Yes | Yes | 314,511 | |
Zochrot | 2014 | Finn Church Aid | Finland | Yes | Yes | 189,397 | |
Zochrot | 2014 | HEKS EPER | Switzerland | Yes | Yes | 165,487 | |
Zochrot | 2014 | Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) | Private | No | Yes | 100,262 | |
Zochrot | 2014 | Oxfam - GB | United Kingdom | Yes | No | 25,878 | |
Zochrot | 2014 | Rosa Luxemburg Foundation | Germany | Yes | No | 79,685 | |
Zochrot | 2014 | The United Church of Canada | Canada | Yes | Yes | 33,602 | |
Sabeel | 2012 | Church of Scotland | Scotland | Yes | Yes | 23,493 | |
Sabeel | 2012 | Diakonia | Sweden | Yes | Yes | 217,716 | |
Sabeel | 2012 | Father Brain T. Joyce | Private | No | Yes | 57,450 | |
Sabeel | 2012 | Friends of Sabeel – Norway | Private | No | Yes | 15,790 | |
Sabeel | 2012 | Friends of Sabeel – Colorado | Private | No | Yes | 777 | |
Sabeel | 2012 | Friends of Sabeel – NL | Private | No | Yes | 952 | |
Sabeel | 2012 | Friends of Sabeel – North America | Private | No | Yes | 265,720 | |
Sabeel | 2012 | Friends of Sabeel – UK | Private | No | Yes | 11,583 | |
Sabeel | 2012 | Global Ministries (New Life Church) | Private | No | Yes | 6,136 | |
Sabeel | 2012 | Kerk in Actie | Netherlands | Yes | Yes | 240,000 | |
Sabeel | 2012 | Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) | Private | No | Yes | 58,215 | |
Sabeel | 2012 | Nina Chiba | Private | No | No | 3,860 | |
Sabeel | 2012 | Pal Craft Aid | Private | No | No | 3,856 | |
Sabeel | 2012 | Sister Catherine Appleby | Private | No | No | 6,568 | |
Sabeel | 2012 | Solidarite Secerdotale Eveche | Missing / Unclear | No | No | 4,897 | |
Sabeel | 2012 | Sundries Contributions | Private | No | No | 95,927 | |
Sabeel | 2012 | The Presbyterian Church of Canada | Private | No | Yes | 18,590 | |
Sabeel | 2012 | United Church of Christ | Private | No | Yes | 17,863 | |
Sabeel | 2013 | Al-Liqa Center | Private | No | Yes | 9,600 | |
Sabeel | 2013 | Anne Kalaiber | Private | No | No | 7,548 | |
Sabeel | 2013 | Asma Daibis | Private | No | No | 7,700 | |
Sabeel | 2013 | Bergamo Progetto Terrasan Italy | Missing / Unclear | No | No | 4,796 | |
Sabeel | 2013 | Carol Hulkema | Private | No | Yes | 5,430 | |
Sabeel | 2013 | Church of Lund (Church of swedenBranch) | Private | No | Yes | 164,551 | |
Sabeel | 2013 | Church of Scotland | Scotland | Yes | Yes | 17,400 | |
Sabeel | 2013 | Diakonia | Sweden | Yes | Yes | 219,110 | |
Sabeel | 2013 | Diakonia | Sweden | Yes | Yes | 128,200 | |
Sabeel | 2013 | Episcopal Diocese of Olympia | Private | No | Yes | 5,250 | |
Sabeel | 2013 | Friends of Sabeel – Austria | Private | No | Yes | 9,050 | |
Sabeel | 2013 | Friends of Sabeel – NL | Private | No | Yes | 39,150 | |
Sabeel | 2013 | Friends of Sabeel – North America | Private | No | Yes | 274,143 | |
Sabeel | 2013 | Friends of Sabeel – North America | Private | No | Yes | 18,550 | |
Sabeel | 2013 | Friends of Sabeel – UK | Private | No | Yes | 18,250 | |
Sabeel | 2013 | General Board of Global Ministries (The United Methodist Church) | Private | No | Yes | 54,785 | |
Sabeel | 2013 | Kerk in Actie | Netherlands | Yes | Yes | 235,000 | |
Sabeel | 2013 | Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) | Private | No | Yes | 63,035 | |
Sabeel | 2013 | Paul Chateaubriand | Private | No | Yes | 4,767 | |
Sabeel | 2013 | Solidarite Secerdotale Eveche | France | No | Yes | 4,800 | |
Sabeel | 2013 | St. John the Divine Episcopal Church | Private | No | Yes | 5,699 | |
Sabeel | 2013 | Sundries Contributions | Private | No | No | 117,757 | |
Sabeel | 2013 | The Presbyterian Church of Canada | Private | No | Yes | 18,069 | |