Amnesty International USA Teams Up with Leading BDS Groups- Again
Last week, activists from Amnesty International USA participated in a blatantly anti-Israel propaganda tour of Israel and the West Bank, in partnership with some of the leading BDS groups based in the United States.
This week, Amnesty USA is bringing the BDS back home.
On June 6, Amnesty USA’s “DC Capitol Hill Group” is organizing a protest outside of the Israeli Embassy in Washington. Two participants from the trip last week, Edith Garwood, Amnesty USA “country specialist on Israel and Palestine,” and Alicia Koutsoulieris, Amnesty USA “case coordinator on Israel and Palestine,” will be speaking. Perhaps Garwood will once again accuse Israel of “the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.”1
The protest is part of Amnesty USA’s partnership in the No Way to Treat a Child campaign, a vehicle for exploiting children for political warfare against Israel. “No Way” is coordinated by BDS ringleaders American Friends Service Committee and Defense for Children International – Palestinian Section (DCI-PS). Other visible U.S.-based BDS groups are also involved: American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), Friends of Sabeel North America, and the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation.
The trip and this rally emphasize Amnesty USA’s merger with the BDS network in the United States. And the partnership with hardcore BDS groups, such as AFSC, JVP and AMP, demonstrates where Amnesty USA’s political agenda lies.