All Reports

Showing 71-80 of 1669

PFLP Ties of the Six Designated Terror NGOs

NGO Monitor report regarding each of the newly designated organizations, including organizational ties between the NGOs and the PFLP, as well as individual links between NGO board members, officials, and employees and the terror group.

UN Adopts Invented NGO Claims on Palestinian Minors to Threaten Israel with Blacklist

On July 11, the UN Secretary-General released his annual report on Children in Armed Conflict (CAAC), dealing with the violation of children's rights in conflict zones in 2021. This year, the UN again presents misleading statistics and adopts invented standards in order to advance a narrative that the IDF violates the rights of Palestinian minors


False Claims, Discredited Sources: The Initial Report from the UN’s Permanent COI Targeting Israel

On June 7, 2022, the UN Human Rights Council “Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and in Israel” (COI) published its first report. As expected, this initial report perpetuates outright falsehoods, and relies on information provided by terror-linked and anti-Israel NGOs to previous UN bodies. This is consistent with the COI’s prejudicial mandate and the bias of commission members.


In-depth Audit Says World Vision Totally Incompetent, Funded Hamas

On November 3, 2021, the Israeli Registrar of Non-Profits petitioned the Jerusalem District Court to dissolve an Israeli non-profit organization belonging to the international aid agency, World Vision. As justification for the request and following a multi-year investigation, the Registrar alleges that the local non-profit did not implement humanitarian projects as it claimed to and conducted financial transactions for purposes other than its stated goals – including providing funds to Hamas.  Moreover, the Registrar charges that the non-profit’s executive and oversight frameworks were non-functional and ineffective.


NGO Credibility in Human Rights and Conflict Reporting: The 2021 State Department Human Rights Report

NGO Monitor submitted an analysis to the US State Department of several key dimensions related to this issue in 2021, highlighting the extreme ideological positions and methodological failures that define NGO reporting on Israel.


Showing 71-80 of 1669