All Reports

Showing 1671-1680 of 1694

Human Rights Watch World (HRW) Report 2003

Three Palestinian NGOs issued the report: "Comments on Torture and Other Ill-Treatment of Palestinians" Like similar reports, this report exaggerates and distorts their effect so as to make the IDF appear as a rogue regime implementing brutal punishments.

Israel Medical Association accuses PHR-Israel of politicization

The Israel Medical Association (IMA) has officially accused the Physicians for Human Rights-Israel (PHR-Israel) of politicization. Previously, NGO Monitor criticized PHR-Israel of politicization in its campaign to threaten Israeli gynecologists with sanctions.

The Galilee Society - The Arab National Society for Health Research & Services

Established in 1981 by four health care professionals, it is now the largest Arab NGO operating in Israel. NGO Monitor is featuring this organization as an example of an NGO working in the field of civil and human rights in the Middle East that has not allowed an ideological bias to undermine its purposes.

Virtual pilgrimage of solidarity with Caritas organizations

The Caritas organizations has a long record of animosity towards Israel. They have frequently criticized Israel, vilified the Israel Defense Forces, trivialized Palestinian terrorism against Israeli civilians, and highlighted the Palestinians as innocent victims of an immoral, brutal oppressor.

Advocacy Project & Grassroots International

Advocacy Net and Grassroots International raise considerable funds from organizations as diverse as UNICEF, AI, governments, private donors and interest groups, but have ideological agendas, cushioned in the name of human rights values.

Angry Young Men: YMCA/YWCA Embark on Anti-Israel Campaign

The highly politicized and inaccurate positions of local YMCAs were jeopardizing its ability to undertake humanitarian programs, many national YMCAs issued strongly worded protests prior to the World Council meeting in Mexico last July.

The Canadian Government and Terrorism

A recent National Post editorial noted that Canadian officials "met secretly last March to discuss whether some of their overseas projects put them in violation of Ottawas new Anti-terrorism Act, which makes it a crime to fund terrorist groups."

Showing 1671-1680 of 1694