All Reports

Showing 1661-1670 of 1694

Christian Aids (UK) Principles Compromised by Anti-Israel Ideology

Christian Aid has compromised its noble aim of seeking to eradicate poverty by aligning itself with highly partisan NGOs, contravening their own mission statement. Christian Aid needs to review relationships with anti-Israel partners and modify anti Israel rhetoric.

Durban 2009 Update: European responses on NGO funding

NGO Monitor has contacted the embassies of EU member states, as well as Switzerland and Norway, requesting information on their policy towards the UN Durban Review Conference scheduled for 2009. Specifically, NGO Monitor asked whether these governments had defined principles required of NGO grant-recipients regarding participation in the Durban Review Conference, and what lessons were learned from 2001.

ISM found guilty of hiding Islamic Jihad Terrorist

A senior member of Islamic Jihad was arrested by IDF troops while hiding in the offices of the International Solidarity Movement. The IDF spokesperson warned: "this is not the first time that terrorists make use of offices and property of international and humanitarian organizations."

UNICEF Funding Political Activities

HRW continues to be a major contributor to the political and ideological effort to delegitimize Israel. Despite declaring that the hallmark and pride of HRW is the even-handedness and accuracy of our reporting, HRW displays an ambivalence to balanced reporting.

Showing 1661-1670 of 1694