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NGOs:Amnesty International (AI)
Other Content Types:Press Releases, In The Media, Presentations, Posts, , Key Issues
Publications:Reports, Books, Academic Publications, Submissions, Resource Pages
Start date:1 Jan 1988
End date:Jul 2024

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Showing 291-300 of 322

NGO Monitors Submission to the Human Rights Council Inquiry on the Gaza War, Led by Judge Richard Goldstone

Mandated by the UN Human Rights Council, Judge Richard Goldstone is conducting an investigation, including a fact-finding mission to Gaza and public hearings, on alleged war crimes violations by Israel during the Gaza War. NGO Monitors submission details NGO abuses of international law including distortions and demonization by PCHR, HRW, Amnesty, and Al Mezan, and lawfare campaigns and urges his commission to carefully examine the credibility and biases in NGO claims. Tendentious NGO reports influenced the inquiries of the Arab League and the UN Secretary General.


Amnesty in 2008: Anti-Israel Obsession Continues to Undermine Moral Principles

In 2008, Amnesty again focused disproportionately on Israels response to aggression from Gaza, and led the NGO campaigns accusing Israel of collective punishment and war crimes. Israel is portrayed as among the worst human rights violators in the Middle East. In 2008 Amnesty issued more in-depth reports on Israel than any other country. Media attention and ideology, in contrast to universal human rights, drive Amnestys agenda. Its 2009 Annual Report further demonstrates the NGOs highly biased approach, grossly distorting the conflict and promoting the Palestinian narrative of events.


NGO Bias at the UN Committee Against Torture Review of Israel

Israel is scheduled to be reviewed by the United Nations Committee Against Torture (CAT) as part of its periodic review of country compliance with the International Convention Against Torture. NGO submissions -- from Amnesty, COHRE, Adalah, Al Haq, PHR-I, and others -- invent and distort international law beyond recognition, and seek to manipulate of this UN treaty body by inserting gratuitous and false accusations regarding Israeli policies. NGOs repeat the unreliable statistics and non-credible claims of Yesh Din and BTselem. The submissions make sweeping generalizations based on limited anecdotal evidence.


Betrayed by Silence: NGOs ignore Gilad Shalit's rights

Gilad Shalit is not a high priority for human rights NGOs. There is no evidence that NGOs have undertaken sustained campaigns in support of Shalits rights. Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have made only infrequent references to Shalit, always in the context of condemning Israel for "war crimes," "wanton destruction," and "collective punishment." Most Israeli groups have published only one or two statements in support of Shalit.


Showing 291-300 of 322